Thursday, April 30, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times


Going through a little exercise for the next few days. And part of that exercise entails a blog-blackout.

Will resume regular programming until this little exercise is over.

Don't worry, this will be over real soon.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Really don't need much

Come to think of it, I really don't need much to be happy.

I really don't need a Rolex as I have a reliable waterproof watch I had since 1996.

I really don't need a big SUV as my present car(s) get(s) me where I want to be for a fraction of the fuel.

I really don't need a big computer with big specs. Olivia is beefy enough as it is. I really don't need one with beefy specs in the first place. All I need is a computer I can type and surf the net in.

I really don't need a big office as I get a lot of work done from my small bedroom. Plus, I don't have to deal with at least an hour's commute.

I really don't need flashy clothes because I believe it's what is inside the lawyer that matters most and not his outside appearance.

I really don't need big clients because I really don't have big needs and hence I really don't have to earn big money.

Big money will not buy me big happiness. Big peace of mind will.

I have to be grateful for what I have and just attract what matters most. And that is not a big office, big clients or big money.

A big life attracts big grief, that's what I want to say. And I don't think I have the heart for this rat (and snake) race.

So let me attract my small piece of happiness by getting back to basics and what is only essential.

And I'll start as soon as I get recover from what ails me.

So for now, I'll rest.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Reporting from Sickbay

So fatigue and some flu-like symptoms (and a bum stomach) reduced me to about 50%.

So I figured, I could go to half of my appointments for the day.

But then all got worse.

The headaches got worse.

The soreness of the body got worse.

Even my bum stomach got worse.

So I had ditch the idea of even going to half of my appointments and just took the whole day off.

I'm feeling better now but not 100%. But this time, I have to attend to my job.

I was thinking of leaving early, as in now, to get a head start on the day. But I remembered, my mom wants to ride with me going out of the village. So I had to abandon that idea.

So I'll just try to put in some work from home now and leave the house at a "reasonable" time. Then we have a big hearing for a big client in the afternoon. The courthouse is near my house so I'll probably be back home early also.

Hopefully, this day will be better than yesterday.

Got to go. Catch you later.

Sunday, April 26, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Blog Break

What seemed like a blog break was, in fact, an overload of work.

We just came back from Tagaytay for an office seminar.

Not really enjoyed myself there because things went awry. From my favorite lens falling about six feet to our simulation becoming a catastrophe. And the internet there did not come with the accommodations. We had to pay extra for it (at an expensive rate). That forced me to just rely on my Smart internet through my phone. Unfortunately, the service sucked, too, because 3G service was not available and the GPRS connection was slower than a dial-up.

Worst of all, that sortie had me away from choir yesterday.

Anyway, I'm back at home and resting. Hopefully the week ahead will be better.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Thursday, April 23, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

The Promise
(David L. Shire)

Say goodbye
When I can barely say goodnight
If I can hardly take my eyes from yours
How far can I go?

Walk away
The thought would never cross my mind
I couldn't turn my back on Spring or Fall
Your smile least of all

When I say always
I mean forever
I trust tomorrow as much as today
I am not afraid to say I love you
But I promise you
I'll never say goodbye

We're dancers
On a crowded floor
while other dancers leave from song to song
Our music goes on

On and on
And if I never leave your arms
I really would have traveled everywhere
For my world is there

When I say always
I mean forever
I trust tomorrow as much today
I am not afraid to say I love you
And I promise you
I'll never say goodbye

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

My Search for a Man-Bag

There was a time when I did not even carry a bag.

But that was the time I only had one cellular phone.

Now, I have three. And I don't even have them on metal protective skins. So putting them in my pockets is out of the question.

So at first, I bought a small one to put my phones and my iPod. But it was cheap and broke when I jammed in my PSP.

Then, I bought a bigger bag for cheap. But it had shoddy workmanship so it was on the brink of disintegrating.

I figured, I might as well buy and expensive durable bag than go through a lot of cheap ones.

So then began my search for the perfect man-bag. It had to be a shoulder bag because I already have a lot of bags (a Crumpler Hee-goer, a Targus neoprene and a Samsonite Sahora backpack) for my computer. It should not be that big. And it had to be durable.

The bag that caught my eye was Lacoste City Casual M86006. But I was too cheap to buy that.

But then this bag from Pacsafe caught my eye: A Pacsafe Metrosafe 200 shoulder bag.

It was not as big as my old man-bag but that had a lot of space. And it had a lot of anti-theft features. It's slash proof, as it has wire mesh integrated into the strap and into the body panels.

Well, see for yourself:

And best of all, my friend is the local distributor of Pacsafe in the Philippines so she gave me a discount. I even got a camera strap for my DSLR, but they will deliver it next week as they ran out.

Will blog about its performance at some future date. I just got it today.

And my friends tell my I should call it a "man-purse" or a "murse" for short. But I've gotten used to calling it a "man-bag" already.

Sunday, April 19, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

4 Things

Another cross-post meme from Facebook. Take it if you want to:


1. legal researcher
2. driver
3. consultant
4. lawyer


1. Groundhog Day
2. Notting Hill
3. Matrix series
4. Star Trek series


1. Manila
2. Quezon City
3. Pasig
4. Cainta


1. Star Trek Voyager
2. Shark
3. LA Law
4. Matlock


1. HK
2. Japan
3. Boracay
4. Cebu


1. Facebook
2. Blogger
3. Friendster
4. Bukas Palad Online


1. Inihaw na Baboy/Sinigang na Bangus combination
2. Ebi Tempura/Miso Soup/Tamago Sushi/ plain rice combination
3. Morcon
4. Kare-kare/Pork BBQ/Lechon combination


1. Tagaytay
2. HK
3. Baguio
4. Japan


1. Clinique Happy for Men
2. Davidoff Cool Water for Men
3. Polo Sport for Men
4. Angel's Breath (on someone of the opposite sex)


1. Phantom of the Opera
2. Rent
3. Miss Saigon
4. My Fair Lady


1. Kim
2. Allan
3. Lyza
4. one of our associate lawyers


1. Pope John Paul II
2. Virgin Mary
3. Jesus Christ
4. St. Peter or St. Paul


1. Food
2. Family
3. Gadgets
4. Computer/Internet related activities

Saturday, April 18, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Slap in the face

Susan Boyle Utube

Well, everybody's talking about Susan Boyle.

Including me.

It's not really because she has a fantastic voice. But of course, she really does. It's like a Lea Salonga trapped inside her body.

But as the judges said, they were surprised.

She looked funny. And because of that, everyone, including me (admittedly) prejudged her already. We already prejudged her to fail, or worse, make a fool out of herself.

But when she sang. It was a slap in our faces.

And taught as a timeless lesson: Never, never judge a book by its cover.

Bravo, Susan! I wish you the best. And thank you for teaching us that lesson again.

And I like to see her sing "The Prayer" with Paul Potts.

Thursday, April 16, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times


Pardon me for not blogging lately.

Things are little bit toxic around the office.

A lot of battles to fight. And a lot of projects to attend to.

And with it comes a lot of stress.

But we know, after all of that the rewards will start coming.

So we better hang in there.

To claim the rewards.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Sound of Music

Time for a break. This should bring a smile to your face:

Found it through my law partner's blog.

Monday, April 13, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Post Vacation Blues and Thoughts

I was not really on vacation last week. But my blog was. So this will be a catch-up post on last week's events:

1. We were planning to attend Maundy Thursday service over at the Ateneo since we were not playing at the service where I live. But at the last minute (but with a week's notice), we were asked to play an instrumental during the transfer of the Holy Eucharist from the tabernacle to the sanctuary. We played "Canon in D" by Pachelbel. I said last minute because I only got to practice that day because of all the work I had.

Anyway, it turned out pretty well. We had a very good organist and Ariel Ureta played cello that time (he had it easy because the cello part in Canon in D only had eight noted played repeatedly until the end of the song. If I was a paying customer, I would be satisfied with that performance.

2. We played on the Good Friday service, as we are scheduled for that slot. It was pretty long because of the long cues for the Adoration of the Cross and Communion. And I played to near exhaustion that day. But I'm not complaining.

3. We decided to take a break on Saturday by heading out to Trinoma. Bea went ahead and cashed in on her birthday gifts. My mom took her on a shopping spree while Nico and I just browsed around the tech and gadget section of the mall. Almost bought myself a Lacoste "man-bag" but decided not to because I was too cheap.

4. Then, we had another choir service at the Easter Dawn Mass. Unfortunately, I could not sleep the night before. So I was really sleepy during the service. But the good thing is it was a Sunday, so I had time to catch up on sleep. Went to a wake that afternoon with my mom and she treated me to a snack at Little Quiapo.

5. So for today, it was back to work. I did not really have post vacation blues simply because I did not really have a break last week. Fortunately the Philippine Jesuits had a online Lenten retreat, enabling me to reflect for some time.

And it was really back to work. All the work I was doing last week never went away, of course. So we had to deal with it. And I came back home late, as usual. But of course, I came home when my kids were still awake.

I tried to stay away from the net last week. I really tried. But I cut back a little and never really laid off it.

Aside from the usual Lenten reflections, I blog entry of a doctor-blogger I know only from blogging struck me. I'm going to blog about my own personal experience on the topic later but I thought I share her thoughts with you to reflect on. And posting this now will also remind me to post about it later.

The name of her entry was "Missing the Relationship Comfort Zone," where she essentially blogged about what she missed about being in a relationship (because, as she claims, she's in between relationships at present), and how she is ready for one again.

Surprisingly candid (as I'm not used to Filipina women this candid), she stated she missed the "mind-blowing sex."

But I even more surprised and struck about how she described what "making love" was to her. I'll quote it verbatim:

One of the truest happiness in the world is being in the arms of the one you love. It can make you feel invincible, as if nothing can ever harm or make you feel bad.

That's a very good way of describing sex with a person one loves. If you are in love.

But I'll post my contrary thoughts on relationships at some future time. I'll be very candid about how I feel. And you will not like it.

Until then...

Sunday, April 12, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Happy Easter 2009

A Reading from the Gospel According to Luke (24:13-35)

That very day, the first day of the week,
two of Jesus' disciples were going
to a village seven miles from Jerusalem called Emmaus,
and they were conversing about all the things that had occurred.
And it happened that while they were conversing and debating,
Jesus himself drew near and walked with them,
but their eyes were prevented from recognizing him.
He asked them,
"What are you discussing as you walk along?"
They stopped, looking downcast.
One of them, named Cleopas, said to him in reply,
"Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem
who does not know of the things
that have taken place there in these days?"
And he replied to them, "What sort of things?"
They said to him,
"The things that happened to Jesus the Nazarene,
who was a prophet mighty in deed and word
before God and all the people,
how our chief priests and rulers both handed him over
to a sentence of death and crucified him.
But we were hoping that he would be the one to redeem Israel;
and besides all this,
it is now the third day since this took place.
Some women from our group, however, have astounded us:
they were at the tomb early in the morning
and did not find his body;
they came back and reported
that they had indeed seen a vision of angels
who announced that he was alive.
Then some of those with us went to the tomb
and found things just as the women had described,
but him they did not see."
And he said to them, "Oh, how foolish you are!
How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets spoke!
Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things
and enter into his glory?"
Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets,
he interpreted to them what referred to him
in all the Scriptures.
As they approached the village to which they were going,
he gave the impression that he was going on farther.
But they urged him, "Stay with us,
for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over."
So he went in to stay with them.
And it happened that, while he was with them at table,
he took bread, said the blessing,
broke it, and gave it to them.
With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him,
but he vanished from their sight.
Then they said to each other,
"Were not our hearts burning within us
while he spoke to us on the way and opened the Scriptures to us?"
So they set out at once and returned to Jerusalem
where they found gathered together
the eleven and those with them who were saying,
"The Lord has truly been raised and has appeared to Simon!"
Then the two recounted
what had taken place on the way
and how he was made known to them in the breaking of bread.

Saturday, April 11, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Black Saturday Reading

A Reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah (55:1-11)

Thus says the LORD:
All you who are thirsty,
come to the water!
You who have no money,
come, receive grain and eat;
come, without paying and without cost,
drink wine and milk!
Why spend your money for what is not bread,
your wages for what fails to satisfy?
Heed me, and you shall eat well,
you shall delight in rich fare.
Come to me heedfully,
listen, that you may have life.
I will renew with you the everlasting covenant,
the benefits assured to David.
As I made him a witness to the peoples,
a leader and commander of nations,
so shall you summon a nation you knew not,
and nations that knew you not shall run to you,
because of the LORD, your God,
the Holy One of Israel, who has glorified you.

Seek the LORD while he may be found,
call him while he is near.
Let the scoundrel forsake his way,
and the wicked man his thoughts;
let him turn to the LORD for mercy;
to our God, who is generous in forgiving.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD.
As high as the heavens are above the earth,
so high are my ways above your ways
and my thoughts above your thoughts.

For just as from the heavens
the rain and snow come down
and do not return there
till they have watered the earth,
making it fertile and fruitful,
giving seed to the one who sows
and bread to the one who eats,
so shall my word be
that goes forth from my mouth;
my word shall not return to me void,
but shall do my will,
achieving the end for which I sent it.

Friday, April 10, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Good Friday Reading

A Reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah (52:13-53:12)
(The Suffering Servant)

See, my servant shall prosper,
he shall be raised high and greatly exalted.
Even as many were amazed at him
so marred was his look beyond human semblance
and his appearance beyond that of the sons of man
so shall he startle many nations,
because of him kings shall stand speechless;
for those who have not been told shall see,
those who have not heard shall ponder it.

Who would believe what we have heard?
To whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?
He grew up like a sapling before him,
like a shoot from the parched earth;
there was in him no stately bearing to make us look at him,
nor appearance that would attract us to him.
He was spurned and avoided by people,
a man of suffering, accustomed to infirmity,
one of those from whom people hide their faces,
spurned, and we held him in no esteem.

Yet it was our infirmities that he bore,
our sufferings that he endured,
while we thought of him as stricken,
as one smitten by God and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our offenses,
crushed for our sins;
upon him was the chastisement that makes us whole,
by his stripes we were healed.
We had all gone astray like sheep,
each following his own way;
but the LORD laid upon him
the guilt of us all.

Though he was harshly treated, he submitted
and opened not his mouth;
like a lamb led to the slaughter
or a sheep before the shearers,
he was silent and opened not his mouth.

Oppressed and condemned, he was taken away,
and who would have thought any more of his destiny?
When he was cut off from the land of the living,
and smitten for the sin of his people,
a grave was assigned him among the wicked
and a burial place with evildoers,
though he had done no wrong
nor spoken any falsehood.
But the LORD was pleased
to crush him in infirmity.

If he gives his life as an offering for sin,
he shall see his descendants in a long life,
and the will of the LORD shall be accomplished through him.

Because of his affliction
he shall see the light in fullness of days;
through his suffering, my servant shall justify many,
and their guilt he shall bear.
Therefore I will give him his portion among the great,
and he shall divide the spoils with the mighty,
because he surrendered himself to death
and was counted among the wicked;
and he shall take away the sins of many,
and win pardon for their offenses.

Thursday, April 09, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there's some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

--Robert Frost

Tuesday, April 07, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Bea's 11th Birthday Letter

My Dearest Bea,

Once again, a year has come and gone and I'm writing to you again on your birthday.

Wow! Eleven years old! Just a flashback ago you were a beautiful baby girl in my arms. Now you're almost a lady.

We've been through a lot together this past year and slowly but surely, you are growing up fast. Too fast if you ask me.

I wish you good health, both of mind and body. And know that as you grow to be independent and may not want me around, I will always be with you.

Someday, I'll explain everything. When you can understand what happened.

But for now, know that Nico and I (with your Lolo and Lola, your aunt and cousins) love you very much.

Happy Birthday, my dearest Bea.


Monday, April 06, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Bearing Fruit

All I can say is I'm glad we had that meeting yesterday, even if it was a Sunday.

All our appointments went well. But this was not the result of luck. It was the result of careful conceptualization, legal strategy and logistics planning.

Everything went well without a snag. Little by little, our hard work is bearing fruit. And for that, I am truly grateful.

For tomorrow, I have to work from home while Bea celebrates her birthday. I can't do anything about it. There's work to be done.

So I'll just do the best I can tomorrow. I any case, I know Bea will have a good day tomorrow.

I'll just make my letter to her then.

Sunday, April 05, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

My Work is my Penance

Just came home today from a meeting in the Ortigas district. It's a coordination meeting for the week ahead.

As I have Twitted/announced in Facebook, I have work starting today until Wednesday. I know, it's already Holy Week and yes, I know it's Sunday today. But as I have said before, for lawyer' there is no overtime, only all the time.

The job(s) at hand require(s) us to work today until Wednesday. I can't do anything about it. Fortunately, I will have a short reprieve on Tuesday, as it it Bea's birthday. But then, I may have to go to my consultancy in the morning. And then again, that's also work, albeit fatherly work.

But I sneaked in some time this morning with Bea to go to Trinoma. We bought her birthday gift there. We got a good deal on the beatbox she wanted for her birthday. We got the portable collapsing beatbox at almost half the price.

I also shopped around and got a new LCD monitor for the office. It's the cheapest Samsung LCD monitor I can find: a Syncmaster 663NW. Even if it's cheap, it looks very good and it approximates Olivia's monitor in size so it's more seamless to work on. I'm trying it out here at home first before I take it to the office.

But who knows? Maybe I'll like it too much I'll buy another one so I can have a dual-monitor set-up both at home and in the office.

Maybe if all the projects we are working on bear fruit for us, I may consider it. So I hope all of our projects prove to be rewarding.

May be my work this Holy Week is my penance. Who knows...

Friday, April 03, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

2008 Bar Exam Results

To the new lawyers of the year, congratulations!


1 ABABA Victoria D
2 ABAD Bernard O
3 ABAD Francis Michael C
4 ABADEZA Melissa A
5 ABALOS Christian Noel C
6 ABALOS Joseph Ryan C
7 ABALOS Mcdonald G
8 ABANTE Priscilla Marie T
9 ABARCA Jerome G
10 ABAYA Mark Francis P
11 ABAYON Jerome B
12 ABDULLAH Noor Hafizullah M
13 ABEJARON Arnold C
14 ABELITA Peter Filip S
15 ABELLA Marie Velle P
16 ABENOJAR Lilian C
18 ABO Rolando T
19 ABREA Elton Dick J
20 ABRENICA Angelee Marree A
22 ABYADANG Harriet N
23 ACHAS John Albino C
24 ACOSTA Carl De Liz L
25 ADJU Annally T
26 ADMANA Gerlie A
27 ADRIANO Alexander DG
28 ADRIANO Karen J
29 ADVINCULA Ma. Carolina T
30 AFRICA Voltaire B
31 AGAAB Jose Raphael E
32 AGATEP, JR. Orlino D
33 AGGALAO Arnold O
35 AGTARAP Florina C
36 AGTARAP Richard M
37 AGUAS Princess Luren D
38 AGUDO Elma Jewelle A
39 AGUILAR Aileen R
40 ALANO Joseph Rod Allan C
41 ALBO Aubrey F
42 ALCANTARA Abraham Joseph B
43 ALCARDE Princess May C
45 ALCUAZ Alfonso Ismael A
46 ALEGRE Jacqueline Ann C
47 ALEGRE Marife M
49 ALEJANDRO Johnsen H
50 ALIBANIA, JR. Eliseo C
51 ALICER Arthur Anthony S
52 ALILAM James G
53 ALIPIO, II Abraham C
54 ALISUAG Ma. Lenina C
55 ALLAM Marion P
56 ALMA JOSE Sylvia R
58 ALMARIO Gilbert S
59 ALMARIO Shari-christine S
60 ALMAZAR Michael Barney R
61 ALMERO Rowena Joyce R
62 ALMOETE Martee L
64 ALMONTE, JR. Bienvenido B
65 ALONZO Timmy Joy S
66 ALPAY Zinia P
67 ALUNDAY Reynold B
68 ALVINA Cynthia L
69 AMBOANG Louilyn N
71 AMIGABLE, JR. Felizardo D
72 AMIS Kathryn D
73 AMISTAD Christian B
74 AMOD Merxel Mae O
75 AMOR Aileen L
76 AMOR Fernando R
77 AMORA, JR. Lilio J
78 AMPIG Francis Athanasius D
79 AMPONG, III Teodulfo S
80 ANDRES Gilbert T
81 ANDUMANG Archie R
82 ANG Arlon U
83 ANG Juvielet Jeanne A
84 ANGELES Albert Lee G
85 ANGELES Erwin C
86 ANGELES Erwin Rommel S
87 ANIAG Mark Anthony V
88 ANITO Mylene A
89 ANONAT Jerry C
90 ANTERO Richard S
91 ANTIG Pamela Angela U
92 ANTONIO Elizabeth B
93 ANTONIO Hannah Lorraine Y
94 ANTONIO Harold M
95 AOANAN Kleider Rex C
96 APAO, JR. Mariano L
97 APASAN Joseph Ryan C
98 APILADO Louella Xylee T
99 APOLINARIO Charmaine C
100 APUYOD Jesus F
101 AQUENDE Hardy B
102 AQUINO Magnolia P
103 AQUINO Mark M
104 AQUINO Paolo R
105 AQUINO Patrick T
106 ARANAS Melchor Jaemond A
107 ARAULA, II Felix B
109 ARBOLEDA Lisette M
110 ARCE Cecilia Maria Rosario M
111 ARCE Liwayway D
112 ARCENANOGRA Aiiza Fiel A
113 ARELLANAGUDA Jesusa Loreto A
114 ARGABIOSO Antonio S
115 ARGENIO Kareen May E
116 ARIAS Jolienne Lee D
117 ARIOLA Aimee Riza S
118 ARIOSA Gia L
119 ARITAO, JR. Benjamin E
120 ARNADO Richard M
122 ARTUZ Pearly Sheila F
123 ARZADON Romino G
124 ASENCION Marissa R
125 ASUNCION, III Isaiah O
126 ATAS Richelle L
127 ATENSOR Joseph Brian A
128 ATIENZA Catalino C
129 ATIENZA Katrina Catherine P
130 ATIENZA Leynard B
131 ATIENZA Verdie J
132 ATOS Richelle Mae G
133 AURO Christian V
134 AUTENTICO Ana Michaela N
135 AVELLANO Christine F
136 AVISADO Ethel C
137 AYENG Adelaide Nancy Sybil G
138 AYO Danilo M
139 AYUNGO Theodorick K
140 AZARRAGA Juliet C
141 AÑOVER Paul Vincent W
142 BALAN Orlando A
143 BACARAMAN Nur Jaypha R
144 BACLAY, JR. Oliver P
145 BACLAYO Ruby T
146 BACOLOR Heidi F
147 BACON Edwin M
148 BACONG Jeanie Rose A
149 BAETIONG Joselito M
150 BAGGAYAN Ma. Jonalyn F
151 BAGSIT Liza Flor T
152 BAGUIO Fritz B
153 BAHIAN Rachelle I
154 BAHJIN, II Jainal Abidin Y
155 BAI Muhlis S
156 BAJENIO Webb I
157 BALANGCOD Christobal J
158 BALANGITAN Mark Jeff W
159 BALANON Maxlen C
160 BALBOA Conrada A
161 BALDOVINO Renoir O
163 BALLINAN John Dale A
164 BALMEO Trinidad V
165 BALTAR Jonathan Z
166 BALTAZAR Jay Francis P
167 BALTAZAR Ma. Francesca Q
168 BANAGUI Leah B
169 BANALAGAY Harold Howell D
170 BANDONELL Marinel F
171 BANIQUED Marigel M
172 BANSON, JR. Ceferino W
174 BANZON Melissa Suzette L
175 BAQUIRAN Monalyn Ann L
176 BARATA Erwin N
177 BARCENAS Ligaya Victoria U
178 BARILLEGUE Josefina M
179 BARIN Anna Gayle T
180 BARINPRIETO Aiza Marie M
181 BARRIOS, III Isidro B
182 BARTOLOME Harold Ian V
183 BARTOLOME Prescila D
184 BARTOLOME Vincent Vos R
185 BARTOLOME, JR. David S
186 BARTOLOME, JR. Gaudencio P
187 BASA Fernando C
188 BASANES Karla Kristine L
189 BASCO Diana Joyce N
190 BASILGO Gembeth G
191 BATAC Regina C
192 BATALLA Maria Phenny Joan G
193 BATE Nover M
194 BATHAN Maricris E
195 BATU Kasarinlan S
196 BAUTISTA Cliff John C
197 BAYOTAS Michael Darwin M
198 BAYSAC Dianna Lynne S
199 BAÑAGA Myra Janina P
200 BAÑEZ Emerson S
201 BEJA Ma. Jela Teresa S
203 BELEN Vernon A
204 BELENA Persephone Meir B
205 BELLEZA John M
206 BELMES Mae Richelle B
207 BELMONTE Mary Elizabeth (marybee) M
209 BERIANA Charlene A
210 BERMEJO Ma. Teresa Ana V
211 BERMEJO Maricel F
212 BERNABE, II Regina V
213 BERNALES, JR. Marcial P
216 BERON Jay Cesar I
217 BESSAT Madeleine A
218 BIBAL Joanne Mae A
219 BIGOL Maria Victoria B
221 BIRON Jose Noe James S
222 BONDAD, JR. Rodolfo A
223 BONGAR Kharen Lee P
224 BONGHANOY Liewellyn F
225 BORJA Haidee O
226 BORJA Jacqueline Q
227 BORRA Katrina P
228 BRACIA M. Melvin B
229 BRAGADO Joel Emilio F
230 BRAGAT Maria Lourdes C
231 BREGALA Dennis B
232 BRILLANTES Fel Lester G
233 BRINGAS Catherine S
234 BRION Francis C
235 BRIONES Estrellita B
236 BROCALES Christopher Redeemson R
237 BROTONEL Jo Katrina V
238 BRUAN, JR. Cesario B
239 BUBAN Josephine M
240 BUENA Delbert Clifford V
241 BUENDIA Cristina B
242 BUENO Cheryl F
243 BUGAY Vicente Fidel C
244 BUGAOAN Eric Vincent H
245 BUGHAO Melvin Cydrick M
246 BUHAIN Camille R
247 BUNDOC Jacqueline C
248 BUNGABONG Kurt Adolph C
250 BURDEOS Sherry Joy O
251 BURGOS Ma. Lourdes S
252 BUSI Barrytone A
253 CABADING Marilex L
254 CABALI Pearl Grace G
255 CABALLERO Maynard G
257 CABANILLA Cris Francis O
258 CABANSAG Glynis Lyn R
259 CABIC Ellen Aster B
260 CABOTEJA, JR. Romeo O
261 CABRERA Cherrie Mae S
262 CABRERA Maria Christine C
263 CABRIDO Candice Elizabeth A
265 CACAYURAN Sheryll P
268 CACHO Arlene Valerie G
269 CADIOGAN, JR. Randolph C
270 CAINTO Angela Faith L
271 CAINTO Leo V
272 CAJIGAL Wilbur R
273 CAJILIG Geraldine A
274 CALAGUI Eric-john S
276 CALAMBA Winsor B
278 CALDE Nimreh L
279 CALDE Roland P
280 CALINISAN Rafael Vicente R
281 CALPO Ma. Lourdes Gaye T
282 CAMACHO Alva C
284 CAMARA Mark Darwin A
285 CAMPANER Francisco M
286 CANDELARIA Desiree G
287 CANIBA May A
288 CANTALEJO John Dale A
289 CANTIL Jason A
291 CAPARAS Melanie C
292 CAPINPIN Michael Joseph C
293 CAPUSEN Dimsey J
294 CAPUYAN Julifaith C
295 CARDENAS Maria Josella Teresa M
296 CARILLO Mae Jill B
297 CARINGAL Carlos M
298 CARINGAL Glenda Leah A
299 CARITOS Rona Ann V
300 CARIÑO Arbin Omar P
301 CARIÑO Marlon M
302 CARLOS Roy E
303 CARMONA Sheila Minnelli V
304 CASTASUS Lee Guian Paulo O
305 CASTIL Rico C
306 CASTILLEJO Raymond Christle N
307 CASTILLO Eleazar E
308 CASTILLO Javerick G
309 CASTILLO Ma. Christina G
310 CASTILLO Paul Cornelius T
311 CASTILLO, JR. Emmanuel F
312 CASTRO Allan R
313 CASTRO Carmencita D
314 CASTRO Cyril Alfred S
315 CASTRO Elvira Joselle R
316 CASTRO Jose Romulo L
317 CASTRO Lorelei A
318 CASTRO Rohail R
319 CATALO Janice C
320 CATAPANG Dyan Kristi C
322 CATIBAYAN Luis Manuel M
323 CATRE Mary Christine Charisse G
324 CATRE, JR. Noel Christian G
325 CAUILAN Joey L
326 CAUNAN Patricia Yvonne M
327 CAYANGA Edelisa May M
328 CAZEÑAS Mary Dezerie D
329 CAÑAL Renato E
330 CAÑAMO Peter B
331 CAÑEDO Jose Ritche O
332 CAÑEDO, JR. Florenz O
333 CAÑETE Ferdinand C
334 CAÑO Maria Janice B
335 CECILIO, JR. Uldarico P
336 CEDEÑO Al Joseph V
337 CENIZA Yvonne C
338 CENTENO Joseph Darren C
339 CEREZO Jimbert A
340 CERVANTES Leonardo Roy A
341 CHAN Marvin A
342 CHAN Phil Ivan A
343 CHANECO Maria Cecilia V
345 CHAAYAN Lalaine Y
346 CHAVEZ, JR. Raul B
347 CHAVEBERNARDO Anunsacion P
348 CHING Betha Fe A
349 CHIONG Kristine Vanessa T
350 CHOI Christina T
351 CHONG Juan Ruffo D
352 CHUA Joan A
353 CHUA Jon Anton Daryl Y
354 CHUA Marites L
355 CHUA Maximilian
356 CHUA CHENG Perfecto Adelfo C
357 CIRILO Kristine Ria N
358 CLARIN Armando T
359 CLARINO Madonna N
360 CLEMENCIO Djhoana Gene A
361 CLEMENTE Katrina O
362 CLOMA Melissa D
363 CO Janice L
364 COBSEN Martinelli R
365 COLES Christopher R
366 COLINIO, JR. Ricardo A
367 COLLANTES King George Leandro Antonio V
368 COMAFAY, JR. Errol B
369 COMAHIG Niño Rey P
370 CONDEZ Christina Faye M
371 CONDEZ Dustin Jay A
372 CONDOR Glenn D
373 CONSEBIT Norlyn P
374 CONSTANTINO Alvin Joseph G
375 CONSTANTINO Bernie Francis B
376 CONSTANTINO Cherry Mae M
378 CONTRERAS Monaliza G
379 CORGOS Lenon Jay A
380 CORNEL Bernadette O
381 CORPUZ Christine C
382 CORPUZ Cynthia C
383 CORTES Santos Anthony O
384 COSTELO Arnold C
385 COTIAMCO Casiano Anthony G
386 CRESPO Alesandro G
387 CRISTOBAL Kristan Carlos M
388 CRUZ Agatha Paula A
389 CRUZ Anthony Ronar B
390 CRUZ Carmenez B
391 CRUZ Ferdinand O
392 CRUZ Karl Cornelio A
393 CRUZ, JR. Rene P
394 CRUMENDOZA Karen Kaye C
395 CU Migñon Chrix D
396 CUA Mary Kimberly G
397 CUBERO John Paul B
398 CUEVAS Brian James C
399 CUGAL Arnold V
400 CUIZON Cyril Bryan D
401 CULANCULAN Ma. Cherryl M
402 CUMITAG Gaius P
403 CURAZA Maria Aurora R
404 CUSTODIO Niersen C
405 CUÑADA Jp Anthony D
406 CUÑANO Paul Michael J
407 DAAYATA Jessamine M
408 DABU Maria Helen T
409 DACLAN Eller Roel I
410 DACQUEL Denny A
411 DAGARAGA Roschelle B
412 DALANAO Heidiliza G
413 DALANGIN, JR. Bart Q
414 DALLO Zorayda R
415 DANAO Catherine S
417 DANO Richard M
418 DATOON Teresita U
419 DAVID Kristine Kay S
420 DAVID Timothy J
421 DAYAG Wilhelmina Mojet S
422 DE CASTRO Thomas John Thaddeus F
423 DE GUZMAN Rico J
424 DE GUZMAN, III Ricardo C
425 DE JESUS Michael Ken R
426 DE JUAHERMOSO Maribeth L
427 DE LA CRUZ Kareen P
428 DE LARA Joel M
429 DE LEON Cyril F
430 DE LEON May Angeli G
431 DE LEON, JR. Hernan Ed Noel L
432 DE LOS SANTOS, JR. Ricardo C
433 DE LUNA Sherwin M
434 DE PERALTA Christian G
435 DE VERA Celina S
436 DE VEYRA Juan Carlos J
437 DEFANTE Divi Bless G
438 DEL SOCORRO Lloyd Ismael O
439 DELA CHICA Jose Jay E
440 DELA CRUZ Allen S
441 DELA CRUZ Donna Cher A
442 DELA CRUZ Eric B
443 DELA CRUZ John Gerald B
444 DELA CRUZ June Abigail S
445 DELA CRUZ Marie Francesca Luz O
446 DELA PAZ Carmela T
447 DELA PEÑA Aldin P
448 DELA RAMA Myra P
449 DELFIN Jeremy Diosana
450 DELGADO Julius Gregory B
451 DELOS REYES Grace Maria Theresa Bambi A
452 DELOS SANTOS Mar Angelo G
453 DEMETILLO Jasmin M
454 DERIGAY Rachel F
455 DIANO Melanie Rita B
456 DICIANO Rachel I
457 DIDAL Janice M
459 DIMAISIP Joyce Jazmin G
460 DIMANLIG Nicole Ava S
461 DINO Jan Paulo DL
462 DIONISIO Mary Jaynard P
463 DITAN Maria Cristina A
465 DIVINO Markson E
466 DIÑO Dominic A
467 DOCDOCIL Edith A
468 DOMINGO Bernard Joseph E
469 DOMINGO Johnson V
470 DOMINGO Joyce Felisa B
471 DOMINGO Maria Paula B
472 DOMINGUEZ Ina Alexandra A
473 DOMINO Julie Ann B
474 DORIA Arnold V
475 DUEÑAS Niña Genoveva D
476 DUNGCA Joy F
477 DURAN Alain Zam C
478 DURAN Marie Christine A
479 DURANO Mylene M
480 DY Denise S
481 DY Mark Robert A
483 EBREO Madonna L
484 EDUARTE, JR. Henedino Joseph P
485 ELANG Muiz-za M
486 ELE Maria Felicitas V
487 ELOT Beda Joy B
488 ENOPIA Frederick A
489 ENTILA Julius C
491 ESCAUSO Ronald C
492 ESCOLANO Ida Marie V
493 ESGUERRA Roman S
494 ESPEJBIAG Angela Patrice A
495 ESPELA Melan M
496 ESPINELI Karen Jill M
497 ESPINO Alain Paul B
499 ESPIRITU Kristine Nicole M
501 ESQUEJO Hilda L
502 ESQUIVIAS Julius Thomas A
504 ESTOLAS May Angeli M
505 ESTRELLA Paula Sophia G
506 EUSTAQUIO Magnolia D
508 FABIAN Marie P
509 FABILLAN Alexanderwerk E
510 FAJARDO Jean S
511 FAMOR Orwin Lloyd M
512 FARIÑAS Cherry Dane A
513 FAURILLO Michelle A
514 FAVIS Maria Cristina D
515 FAVORITO Meliza F
516 FELICIANO Dennis P
517 FELIPE Jennifer D
518 FERNANDEZ Ennoh Chentis R
519 FERNANDEZ Maricel D
520 FERNANDEZ Mc Jill Bryant T
522 FERNANDEZ, IV Cristobal R
523 FERRER Maricris S
524 FERROLINO Concepcion Zeny E
526 FLORES Aldwin Z
527 FLORES Ellen Grace R
528 FLORES Pedrito B
529 FLORES Sherwin D
530 FLORIA Joselea Y
531 FOZ Justice Anthony A
532 FRANCISCO Mariel L
533 FRANCISCO, JR. Philomel D
534 FRANCO Karin-lei N
535 FRISNEDI April Joy L
536 FUENTEBELLA Felix William B
537 FUENTES Ruth C
538 FULLOGAN Kathy Luisa G
539 FURIGAY Mark Leo P
540 GABIHAN Dennis R
541 GABOR Allan Jae V
542 GABRIEL Daisy Ann S
543 GABRIEL Sherry Anne C
544 GACUTAN Sheila C
545 GAELA Frederick C
546 GALANG Emmanuel L
547 GALANTO Mary Anne B
548 GALAPON Martin C
549 GALVAN Mark J
550 GALVEZ Hernando C
551 GALVEZ Mechelee Kieth F
552 GAMBOA Joan Lou P
553 GANA Joanna Kristine S
554 GAPATAN Jasmine Ann B
555 GARCIA Grace P
556 GARCIA Jesse James A
557 GARCIA Kerwyn D
558 GARCIA Marc Jeremiah R
559 GARCIA Maria Khristina Z
560 GARCIA Marisa P
561 GARCIA Mark Evarra M
562 GARCIA Michael P
564 GARRUCHO Gretchen Y
565 GATDULA Eddielyn L
566 GATURIAN Lalaine T
567 GAVAS, JR. Ernesto R
568 GAYA Jerico G
569 GAYAGAY Romelyn B
570 GEALON Rey M
572 GELBOLINGO Juliemie B
573 GENUINO Erwin F
574 GEOCANIGA Rommel T
575 GERMAN Dainelee V
576 GIANAN, JR. Lino A
577 GIGA Marlou C
579 GO Abigail V
580 GO Erdelyne C
581 GO Ormil D
582 GOLEZ Sylvester P
583 GOMEZ Ira Jordana Margrethe M
584 GOMEZ Jacqueline Ann Marie O
585 GOMEZ Mark Louie L
586 GOMEZ Michael Geronimo R
587 GOMEZ Patricia Isabel O
588 GOMINTONG Jemarose G
590 GONZALES Lifrendo M
591 GONZALES, JR. Cesario G
592 GONZALEZ Archimedes B
593 GONZALEZ Rosario Carmela B
594 GORRES Angelina Luisa V
595 GRANDE Charlemagne Angelo C
597 GREGORIO Jenneth M
598 GRIMALDO Ivy Joy R
599 GUAN Ina Claire B
600 GUARNES, JR. Felix G
601 GUAYCO Gideon Rey V
602 GUERRERO Alejandro Epifanio D
603 GUERRERO Feliz Marie M
604 GUERRERO Kathleen Phyllis P
605 GUEVARRA Melanie O
606 GUEVARRA Rexford D
607 GUMABON Joseph Ray P
608 GUMATAY, JR. Efren G
609 GUMBAO Ethyl Fe T
610 GUNGON Flora Fe B
611 GUYO Muamar A
612 HAMOY Owlette Christine Jill D
613 HARON Noharddin M
614 HASSAN Najira S
615 HASSIMAN Jalsidrie T
616 HERNANDEZ Elaine May P
617 HERNANDEZ Helen Grace S
618 HERNANDEZ Robert A
619 HERNANDEZ Rosette M
620 HERNANE Herbert B
621 HERRERA Catherine N
622 HIPOLITO Maria Bienvenida Angelica D
624 HUECAS Roy V
626 IGNACIO Maria Theresa Distajo
627 ILAGAN, IV Ruben R
629 INIHAO Reymund G
630 INOCENCIO, JR. Miguel C
631 ISIDORO Augusto Eric C
632 ISRAEL Johnny W
633 ISRAEL Marilyn M
634 JACOB Jihan A
635 JALA Majesty Eve L
636 JAM Madeline Arezu T
637 JAMBANGAN Bambeth Mahal C
638 JARA Thacher C
639 JARAMILLA Gilbert M
640 JAVIER Doris C
641 JAVIER Kirby G
642 JAVIER Nesly Joy S
644 JAYSON Renelyn B
645 JIMENEZ Vicente S
646 JONES Ramon Jose E
647 JOSOL Mary Kathleen C
648 JOVEN Melissa Genevieve B
649 JUAN Eric R
650 JUMUAD Harold A
651 JURADO Leonard Peejay V
652 JURILLA Keenan Rhys Y
653 JUSAY Kenneth J
655 KALIM Abdul Rashid P
656 KAPALAC Judemar V
657 KIMAYONG Zozimo P
658 KINTANAR Maria Ysidra May Y
659 LABINE Annie Rose L
660 LABRADOR Felmanda C
661 LABRIAGA Ma. Jessette G
662 LACSON Rosstum C
663 LADERA, IV Antonio V
664 LADORES Ivan Mark S
665 LAGAN Rachel Lee V
666 LAGUDAS, JR. Eulogio L
667 LAGULA Kristina V
668 LAGUNZAD Sam Dominic T
669 LAJA Leah Easter P
670 LALUNA Ma. Isabel Z
671 LAMBO Ma. Celeste R
672 LAMPACAN Andres Arnold W
673 LAO Kristyn Jean R
674 LAOLAO, JR. Antonio L
675 LARA Maria Leah R
677 LARGO Nelson V
678 LARGOZA Salvador Gregorio L
679 LARIBA Ma. Gloria Alphine S
680 LARIOSA Jessie A
681 LASACUMAGUN Mari-grace C
682 LAURESTE Florida L
683 LAURON Manuel Patrick K
684 LAYGO Jennifer E
685 LAZARITO Khristine Kay M
686 LEDESMA Cheryl Marie V
687 LEE Janice C
688 LEE Kelvin Lester K
689 LEE Marjorie B
690 LEGASPI Bellatrix O
691 LEGASPI Joan Michelle M
692 LEUNG Florendo L
693 LEYCANO Andrea B
694 LEYVA Eunika Lesli R
695 LIANGCO Daryl G
696 LICERA Geony P
697 LICERALDE Ma. Elizabeth L
698 LICO Marisse Gay G
699 LIGMAYO Paul D
700 LIM Bryan S
701 LIM Laarni Victoria B
702 LIM Lovely E
703 LIMBING Cheryl T
704 LINCUNA Duke Ramil P
705 LLANES Lawrence Q
706 LOCAYLOCAY Amife Joan C
707 LOCSIN Ryan A
708 LOFRANCO Vicar Loureen G
709 LOGRONIO Jennie Ann T
710 LOPEZ Dhonadette L
711 LOPEZ Michael Angelo O
712 LOPEORO Corazon Natividad D
713 LORENZO Edmond B
714 LORENZO Neil E
715 LUARDO, JR. Edgardo B
716 LUCERO Rhoan G
717 LUCILA, II Roberto Rafael N
718 LUIS Benjamin S
719 LUMACTOD Joseph Eric C
721 LUMEREZ, JR. Cresente B
722 LYNN Jacques S
723 MABANES April Rose S
724 MACABANDO Samina S
725 MACABAYA Beryl Concepcion O
726 MACAPAGAL Ferdinand L
727 MACAPAGAL Michael T
729 MACARUBBO Epifania B
730 MACATANGAY Augusto Leon A
731 MACATANGAY Michael Remir H
732 MACAYRA Marianne M
733 MACEREN Lyndon A
734 MACOY Cristine L
735 MACTAL Walter L
736 MADRILEJO Leonides M
738 MAGNABE Kirk Andrew T
740 MAGTIBAY Medwin B
742 MAHAWAN Benison M
743 MAHINAY Girlie C
744 MAHIPUS Diosdado Angelo Junior R
745 MALABAG Maria Rhodora A
747 MALANDAC Clariza P
748 MALAPOTE Paul Edgar F
749 MALAYA Milagros Evans I
750 MALIBIRAN Bernard Joseph B
751 MALIGAYA Greg Zacarias M
752 MALLARI Katrina Bianca H
753 MAMBA Maria Rosario S
754 MANABILANG Haroun Bin Omar E
755 MANALASTAS Dennis Gerard F
756 MANALAYSAY Andrea Celene M
757 MANALAYSAY Anna Karin F
758 MANALIGOD Ismael T
759 MANALO Paul Erik D
760 MANANGHAYA Maria Melinda S
761 MANANZAN Monica J
762 MANAOG Mary Hazel C
763 MANAOIS Fely Reina V
764 MANCENIDO Uella Vida V
767 MANLANGIT Angelo D
768 MANONGAS Queen Ann D
770 MANTE, JR. Urbano T
771 MANUBAG Amiel Joaquin E
772 MARABE Ridgway C
773 MARAON Leah B
774 MARAPAO Lord V R
775 MARASIGAN Jennifer M
776 MARASIGAN Nerissa L
777 MARGARICO Paul Andre R
778 MARGATE Karl Anthony R
780 MARIANO Emmanuel M
781 MARQUEZ Joyce Marie B
782 MARQUIÑO John Mark C
783 MARTELINO Jobert M
784 MARTHO Edgar S
785 MARTIN Karl Francis S
786 MARTIN Nilo N
787 MARTINEZ Amelia Cristina V
789 MARZAN Antonio F
790 MARZO Lailani C
791 MASACAL Anwar U
792 MATA, II Reynold DG
793 MATEO Eleanor R
794 MATIAS Dexter G
795 MATILLANO Lovely Concepcion C
796 MAURICIO Paul Vincent R
797 MAXIMO Dinah P
798 MAÑALAC Maria Elizabeth S
800 MEDRANO Jayferson F
801 MEER Rafael Antonio P
802 MENDOZA Claudie M
803 MENDOZA Exzon B
804 MENDOZA Gerald Al P
805 MENDOZA Justin Christopher C
806 MENDOZA Melinda Cielo C
807 MENDOZA Sunshine D
808 MENDOZA Winston Aris M
809 MENESES Hermielita M
810 MENOR Benjie Benjamin A
811 MENOR Dianna Kathrina C
812 MERCADO Charade B
813 MERCADO Jihan Carla T
814 MESINA Maria Merle M
815 MICIANO Renee Lynn C
816 MIGUEL Genalyn N
817 MILITANTE Karen Leslie N
818 MILLAN Sharon B
819 MIRANDA Romina M
820 MISA John Paul Louis D
821 MISON Rafael Jaime A
822 MOISES Mary Grace D
823 MOLAS Karen Lisette T
824 MOLDEZ Mary Glenn T
825 MOLINA Christian Dawn G
826 MON Maricar F
827 MONJARDIN Marc Lee N
828 MONSALUD Kristin Ayn D
829 MONTEALEGRE Cheryll Grace H
830 MONTEALTO Stahrl Khristine G
831 MONTECER Marie Concepcion A
833 MONTINO Raul R
834 MONTON, JR. Higino A
835 MORADA Joyce Marie Antoinette L
836 MORALEDA Karla Monica S
837 MORALES April Raine B
838 MORALES Reggie E
839 MORALLOOMAR Maria Laarni N
840 MORANDO Jovit R
842 MOSQUEDA Carmela V
843 MOTRIL Helen Grace A
844 NACARIO Jupiter V
845 NADELA, JR. Raul A
846 NAMALATA Joeffrey D
847 NARAG, JR. Mario Atanasio P
848 NARAWI Jullie Mael M
849 NASDOMAN Johnson P
850 NATINFALALIMPA Kristin Marie L
851 NATIVIDAD Christian D
852 NATIVIDAD Maria Cecilia G
853 NAVARRO Ma. Cristina T
854 NEBRIJA Michael V
855 NEMENZO Ann Marie L
857 NEPOMUCENO Ann Sophie M
858 NERI Mark Peter G
859 NERO Ma. Josenia A
861 NGO Tom Jayson O
862 NICOLAS Kristian A
863 NICOLAS Menilba M
864 NILLO Aquino Martin V
865 NIONES John Paul D
866 NOCETE Randy F
867 NOCHE Kristen G
868 NODQUE Vida Grace Z
869 NOGOY Ivy Grace B
870 NOLASCO Charisma I
871 NOLASCO Leonid C
872 NOLASCO, JR. Ramon C
873 NUEVO Shirley O
874 NUÑEZ Victor Maria D
875 OBIAL Florence Ed T
876 OBTINALLA, JR. Simeon C
877 OBUS Jose Julius P
878 OCAMPO Francis Louie U
879 OCAMPO Nancy M
880 OCAMPO Rory Jorge L
881 OCANG Jeffrey James G
882 OCHE Jonathan S
883 OCHOSARMIENTO Faustina Victoria E
884 OLARTE Rosemarie T
885 OLIDAN Maria Karen S
886 OLIVAR Carlo U
887 OMADTO Jeffrey P
888 ONDOY, JR. Fermin D
889 ONG Cezar S
890 ONGKIKO Emil Bien F
891 ONGSIAPCO Carmela S
892 ONIA, JR. Modesto F
893 ONTALAN Frances Mae Cherryl K
894 ORDAS Nathalia V
895 ORENCIO Donna O
896 OROLA Christopher George L
897 OROPILLA Majellyn N
898 ORTEGA Luz Matilde Niña Dorotea T
899 ORTIZ Ianela Carla M
900 ORTIZ Ruel A
901 OSORIO Fair Lady T
902 OVALLES Franchesca T
903 OÑATE Ronald G
904 PABALAN Analyn T
905 PACIO Maricar P
906 PACOLI Marco Antonio G
907 PACURIBOT Jennifer C
908 PADAYAO Renchi May M
909 PADERANGA, JR. Goering George A
910 PADILLA Jennifer G
911 PAGHACIAN Chiqui H
914 PAGLINAWAN George Ahmed G
915 PAGTAKHAN June Ann R
916 PAGUICAN Adrian D
917 PAGULAYAN Amorsito B
918 PAGULAYAN Domiciano A
919 PAGUNTALAN Mark Geoffrey P
920 PAHUGOTOLEDO Anatrinel T
921 PALABRICA Gladys Pearl T
923 PALILEO Anya M
924 PALISOC Marianne R
925 PALMA Richard Alfred N
926 PALMES Jacqueline H
927 PALOMO Alaine Arnolf A
928 PAMFILO Floralie M
929 PAMONAG Ronilo L
930 PANCHO Frela S
935 PANGILINAN Erlyn Aurea T
936 PANIS Rhuel D
937 PAQUEO Alwen M
938 PARADERGUZMAN Katharine Freida B
939 PARAOAN Karl Patrick N
940 PARAÑAL Marveluna A
941 PARDIAN, JR. Joseph L
942 PAREJA Randy M
944 PASCUA Charity L
945 PASCUA Ramar Niel V
946 PASCUA Raymond Joseph D
947 PASCUAL Rigor R
948 PASTELERO Miguel Antonio B
949 PASTORES Stella Angela G
950 PATAJO Jose Paolo A
951 PATRIARCA Richard P
952 PAYLIP Rosevee R
953 PEGARIDO Erlyn M
955 PELAYO Virgie Lynn O
956 PERALTA Arjay N
957 PERANG Dennis C
958 PEREZ Gene Vincent G
959 PEREZ Joseph Brian T
960 PEREZ Ma. Kathryn Joy Q
961 PERILLO Patrick Simon S
962 PESCADOR Jeremy L
963 PESTAÑO Rose Mae F
964 PEÑALOSA Wilfred Ramon M
965 PHUA Marc Achilles M
966 PICHAY Jane Laarni O
967 PILLADO Noreen A
968 PINEDA Cristina Mia S
969 POBLETE Jonathan Sixto M
970 POBRE Christopher H
971 POLITICO Jeicqpoi N
972 PONFERRADA Regidor A
973 PONSARAN Joy Marie B
974 PONSARAN Raizuli A
975 PONTANAL Alpha Carole O
976 PONTEJOS Fiona G
977 PONTIOSO Rhea Mae A
978 PRADO Crystal I
979 PROSIANOS Myrtle B
980 PUNG Janelyn S
981 PUASO Garry Franco C
982 PUGOY Roland Jun S
983 PULMA Dionne E
984 PUNO Charles Michael T
985 PURUEL Rojane M
986 PUZON David Julian G
987 PUZON Kaythreene Eunice G
988 QUAN Ryan Jeremiah D
989 QUE Nanette A
990 QUERRER Janice S
991 QUEZON Don-vic P
992 QUIDATO Sherwin Paul E
993 QUILENTE Mary Grace C
994 QUIMPO Maria Kristine A
995 QUINAGAN Cristina Mae G
996 QUINTANA Rizza R
997 QUIRINABALOS Sylvia Maria Anna P
998 QUITAIN Elizabeth F
999 QUITAIN Katherine F
1000 QUIZO Mary Therese P
1001 RABAGO Rey S
1002 RABORAR Eden R
1003 RACHO Melanie V
1004 RADJAIE Tareeq Yahya Timhar A
1005 RAFAL Chris A
1006 RAGASA Jerleah Remedios B
1007 RAGAY Mera Jane C
1008 RAIMUNDO Rhudilyn April B
1009 RAMIREZ Leslie B
1010 RAMIREZ Shaina Anella B
1011 RAMOS Anna Lorem R
1012 RAMOS Gemma Lou P
1013 RAMOS Ginalyn Y
1014 RAMOS Patrick T
1015 RAMOS, III Primo A
1016 RANARA Lilibeth R
1017 RANCES Domnina T
1018 RANCES Esther Rose N
1019 RAPISTA Judy Marie E
1020 RAYMUNDO Vanessa C
1021 RAZON Judy B
1022 RECINTO Alex G
1023 RECIO Marichelle B
1024 RECTA Gracea Hephzibah R
1025 REFAZO Mynoa M
1026 REFE Analyn E
1027 REGIS April Love C
1028 REMIGIO, JR. Glenn A
1029 REMULLA Giselle B
1030 RENEGADO Renato C
1032 RESURRECCION Maria Greta R
1033 REUYADABON Joyous S
1034 REVILLA, JR. Quirino P
1035 REYES Antoinette E
1036 REYES Irene Patricia N
1037 REYES John Adelbert L
1038 REYES Johnson G
1039 REYES Kristine Mari I
1040 REYES Mark A
1041 REYES Ron Winston A
1042 REYES Valerie Jill S
1043 RIBAS James Paul J
1044 RICAFORT Evita Mariz M
1045 RICO Ellen S
1047 RIVAS Polaris Grace H
1048 RIVERA Augustine A
1049 RIVERA Francinina Gracia I
1050 RIVERA Joy S
1052 ROBILLO Ernesto Raphael V
1053 ROBLES Frederick Joe N
1054 RODRIGO, III Romeo G
1055 RODRIGUEZ Karen Joyce D
1057 RODRIGUEZ Renel Joseph T
1058 RONGO Marcelino C
1059 ROQUE Anna Kristina D
1060 ROQUE Nelson Silvestre
1061 ROSALES Juvy Grace E
1062 ROSARIO Albert R
1063 ROSARIO Lotis P
1064 ROSELLO Jalika Mae F
1065 ROVERO, JR. Vicente F
1066 ROXAS Chino Paolo Z
1067 ROXAS Johndy B
1068 ROXAS Rea M
1069 RUANTO Chris Paolo R
1070 RUBENECIA Vic Allan E
1071 RUBIO Carl Andrew M
1072 RUIZ Ariel N
1073 RUIZ Cholyn Mae M
1074 RUIZ Jose Meno C
1075 SABARRE Rino E
1077 SABERON Paul Richard A
1078 SABIO Fides Angeli G
1079 SADANG Felton C
1080 SADIA Francisco F
1081 SAGA Alvin L
1082 SAGAUINIT Kenneth C
1083 SAGMON Ingrid P
1084 SAGPAEY Jake A
1085 SAHIRON Lilian I
1086 SAIDDI Pherham S
1087 SAJILI Aquino J
1088 SAKANDAL Al-kadam A
1089 SAKKAM Eric Ismael P
1090 SALA Mashur S
1091 SALADAGA Romeo A
1092 SALAZAR Armida B
1093 SALAZAR Didith A
1094 SALAZAR Doris Sharry P
1095 SALAZAR Johnsen A
1096 SALAZAR Roberto A
1097 SALCEDO Karl Andre G
1098 SALE Jenny U
1099 SALEM Ephraim Garnet M
1100 SALIENTE Jacqueline Kate T
1101 SALONGA Christianne Grace F
1102 SALUD Joseph B
1103 SALVA Jocelyn T
1104 SALVE Allan O
1105 SALVO Ariel C
1106 SAMONTE Aren Marie H
1107 SAMPIOR Jorrey T
1108 SAMSON Benjamin R
1109 SAN JOSE Aiza Katrina L
1110 SANCHEZ Bheejhay D
1111 SANCHEZ, II Jay Karel P
1112 SANTIAGO Genesi M
1113 SANTIAGO James A
1114 SANTIAGO Jay Patrick R
1115 SANTIAGO Joann Norpeth M
1116 SANTIAGO Michael M
1117 SANTOS Jhon V
1118 SANTOS Ma. Angelica M
1119 SANTOS Melissa A
1120 SANTOS Michelle Sharon Clara C
1121 SANTOS Phillip Charles G
1122 SANTOS Regina Azucena G
1123 SAQUETON Maria Cresenciana M
1124 SAQUING Sheryl B
1125 SARENAS Jason Kyle M
1126 SARMIENTO Ramon Abraham A
1127 SARNO Michael Angelo C
1128 SATURNINO Charles Ian O
1129 SAYAO Rosemarie B
1130 SECILLANO Jefferson C
1131 SEE Mary Kimberlie C
1132 SEGURA Richelle R
1133 SELPATEN Rodante C
1134 SEMA Omar Yasser C
1135 SENO Andrei P
1136 SERRANO Edward Robinson P
1137 SERRANO Juanito D
1138 SESE John Martin H
1139 SETIAS Lorevi Grace C
1140 SEVA Farrah Mae R
1141 SEVILLA Miracle Joy P
1142 SIA Teresa Geraldine C
1143 SIA, III Quintin P
1144 SIAO Kristin Charisse C
1145 SIASON Alfonso Miguel ML
1146 SIH Davidson Rich L
1147 SILANGA Donnalee G
1148 SILVALA Michael Philip B
1149 SINOGBA Rosalio S
1150 SIRUNO Christian Paul G
1151 SISON Adrian Manuel P
1152 SISON Anna Marin F
1153 SISON Jeffrey Michael F
1154 SISON Sarah Maria Q
1155 SISOJAVIER Sheila Marie V
1156 SOBERANO Maria Jomah F
1157 SOJOR Alvie Marie L
1158 SOLANO John Albert S
1159 SOLERO Dhalya Grace M
1160 SOLIDON Trina Joy A
1161 SOLIS Carlo Roberto C
1162 SOLIVAS Jasmine L
1163 SOMBRITO Jenny Mae Z
1164 SOMERA Helen Grace J
1165 SORIANO Donna S
1166 SORIANO Marlon U
1167 STA. ANLAZARO Bernadeth N
1168 STA. ROSA Karla A
1169 SUBEJANO Z'sa May B
1170 SUBIBI Arneil B
1171 SUELO Risha Mae J
1172 SUGUE Neil Anthony L
1173 SUGUI Louella S
1174 SUGUITAN Sara Jane A
1175 SUMAGAYSAY Nasty Jones S
1176 SUMPO Gilda A
1177 SUSON Mary Ann W
1178 SY Anthony Jordan L
1179 SY Maritess C
1180 TABANERA Lynnicel L
1181 TABLATE Jaemarie N
1182 TADEO Ryan T
1184 TAMAYO Ray Jean D
1185 TAMON Bernard O
1186 TAMPON Aaron L
1187 TAN Art Laurent A
1188 TAN Ashley Lene N
1189 TAN Christine Joy K
1190 TAN Eunice Hyacinth L
1191 TAN Francis Ambrosio S
1192 TAN Norma A
1193 TANDOG Frances Cyrille F
1194 TANGONAN, III Eugenio N
1195 TANGUANCO Alvin B
1196 TAPAYAN Olive Grace A
1197 TAPIA Arvin Q
1198 TAYLAN Kathrine S
1199 TE Marilyn O
1200 TECSON Arlene Grace DV
1201 TECSON Ferdinand C
1202 TED Rosbie I
1203 TELAN Allison Zoila M
1204 TELAN Melissa Anne M
1205 TEMPROSA Charmie Clare T
1206 TEODORO Edison C
1207 TEODOSIO Therese T
1208 TIMBOL Chrysostom T
1209 TIMBREZA Nannette M
1210 TINAZA Leah B
1211 TIPAN Erlinda Candy S
1212 TIU Heli B
1213 TOLEDO Marjorie Ann C
1214 TOLENTINO Mark Kristopher G
1215 TOLENTINO Rommel T
1216 TOLOSA, JR. Benjamin S
1217 TOPACIO Anthony Leonard G
1218 TOQUERO Ismael A
1219 TORBELA Paolo G
1220 TORMES Francy D
1221 TORMIS Maria Carmen R
1222 TORREDES Artemio Jay G
1223 TORRENTIRA Aldrin O
1224 TORREVILLAS Manuenilda Rosario A
1225 TORRIL Jennifer M
1226 TRINIDAD Rudyard Anthony M
1227 TRIPOLI Christopher P
1228 TUAZON, III Jerome Victor C
1229 TUBBAN Henry Junior B
1230 TUMANENG Angeline M
1231 TUPAS Gene Carl L
1232 TUTOR, JR. Fidel S
1233 TY Robert Leo C
1234 UBOD Ronel A
1235 UDARBE Dendo G
1236 UGALINO Karen Anne M
1237 ULANDAY Marcelo N
1238 UMILA, II Benito B
1239 UNTALAN Mialeen C
1240 UY Jerilee V
1241 UY Juan Carlos T
1243 VALDEHUEZA Christian L
1245 VALERA, JR. Joseph D
1246 VALLEJO Jenny May G
1247 VARGAS Carlo Alessandro B
1248 VASQUEZ Gerald DL
1249 VEGA Marie Crystal May C
1250 VEHEMENTE Renato R
1251 VELASQUEZ Cielito May T
1252 VELASQUEZ Kaima Via B
1253 VELASQUEZ Shirley G
1254 VELOSO Marius Fitzgerald E
1255 VENERACION Ma. Theresa S
1256 VER Christian Francis C
1257 VERANO Samuel C
1258 VERGARA Manolo Geoffrey C
1259 VERGARA, III Melito A
1260 VILLABLANCA Reymond Q
1261 VILLAMOR Jordana Day V
1262 VILLAMOR Michael Angelo A
1263 VILLAMOR Vimari D
1264 VILLANIA Reynold B
1265 VILLANUEVA Karl Anthony B
1266 VILLANUEVA Monica Isabelle I
1267 VILLANUEVA Wilnerson B
1268 VILLARIÑA Glenn C
1269 VILLASFER Dennis R
1270 VILLEGAS Adelwiza S
1271 VILLEGAS Jonathan C
1272 VILLEGAS, II Enrique C
1273 VILLENA Charito R
1274 VILLENA Katherine C
1275 VILLEROZ Raymond C
1276 VIRAY, III Marcial Joseph M
1277 VISTO Jay M
1278 VITAL Menita J
1279 WADINGAN Lisle D
1280 WATANABE Ayako S
1281 WEE SIT IV Manuel M
1282 WONG Jessa G
1283 WONG Lynvic M
1284 XAVIER Ela R
1285 YABUT Michael C
1286 YADAO, JR. Arturo Y
1287 YAMBAO Marissa C
1288 YANOGACIO Mariel A
1289 YANSON Juvy D
1290 YANTVIRAY Catherine A
1291 YEBAN Ryan John T
1292 YPULONG Rhyne A
1293 YU Frederick T
1294 YUMUL Bess Joy M
1295 YUTATCSZE Gloriosa P
1296 YUZOCHAVES Kristine Rosary E
1297 ZALES Marvin L
1298 ZALSOUYCHIAT Maria Paz Teresa V
1299 ZAMBRANO Sheryl Jane C
1300 ZAMORA Ysabel Maria J
1301 ZAMORAS Joseph Ian S
1302 ZAPANTA Andrei J
1303 ZAPATA Ronadale M
1305 ZARAGOSA Jinky C
1306 ZARENO Michelle May I
1307 ZIPAGAN Myra T
1308 ZOLETA Tristan Ysaak M
1309 ZOSA Athena M
1310 ZOSA, III Manuel Eufracio F

Thursday, April 02, 2009
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Blog Therapy

Yes, I know I have not been blogging lately.

And this past week, I have not seen my children awake. For this week, I have been leaving the house to work while they are still sleeping and I come home when they are already asleep.

I have to admit I have not seen my children awake since Monday. And I will even have work on Sunday afternoon and Monday (when in the Philippines, it's already declared a holiday).

To top it all off, I have a throbbing toothache. But I don't have time to visit my dentist.

But that would change somewhat tomorrow as I will leave for work relatively late. I have an appointment with Nico's teachers in the morning and then head out for work afterwards.

I promised myself I would blog no matter what. Even when things get toxic at the office or at home.

I have to blog. It's my therapy. Blogging, along with my chamber and flute sessions are the only things that are keeping me sane and anchoring me in the maelstrom of work.

I want to blog a little longer today. Unfortunately, I'm already tired. Just for today, I was already on the road as early as 6:00 a.m. and just got home at 11:00 p.m. And the rest of the week was not really different.

Good night everyone.

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Side Prayers

Lord Jesus,
Teach me to be generous,
Teach me to serve You as You deserve
To give and not to count the cost,
To fight and not to heed the wounds,
To toil and not to seek for rest,
To labor and not to ask for reward,
except that of knowing
That I do Your Holy Will. Amen

May every word I speak be from Your Truth...
I ask come from Your Wisdom...
May every case I handle receive Your Guidance...
May every heart, every life I touch, feel Your Love.

And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying,
"Oh, that You would bless me indeed,
and enlarge my territory,
that Your Hand be with me,
that You would keep me from evil,
that I may not cause pain."

So God granted him what he requested.

Side Oath

The Lawyer's Oath
I do solemnly swear that
I will maintain allegiance to
the Republic of the Philippines,
I will support its Constitution
and obey the laws as well as
the legal orders of the
duly constituted authorities therein;
I will do no falsehood,
nor consent to the doing of any in court;
I will not wittingly or willingly
promote or sue any groundless,
false or unlawful suit,
nor give aid nor consent to the same;
I will delay no man for money or malice,
and will conduct myself as a lawyer
according to the best of my knowledge
and discretion with all good fidelity
as well to the courts as to my clients;
and I impose upon myself this voluntary obligation
without any mental reservation
or purpose of evasion.
So help me God.

Side Chatter

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