Sunday, September 26, 2010
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

should jueteng be legalized? why?

To me, gambling, by itself, is not wrong. But of course, everything in moderation is wrong. So when there's nothing inherently wrong with gambling (and it is allowed if state-sanctioned), I don't see any reason why it should not be legalized.

But of course, if jueteng is legalized, there will be a new illegal game in town. That's because we all love things that are illegal don't we? Just my two cents.

Ask me anything

SK as in sanguniang kabataan?

Precisely. They have no function only to breed new traditional politicians, which we really don't need. IMHO

Ask me anything

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

should SK be abolished? why? why not?

What's SK? heheheheheheh!

Ask me anything

if you have time, pls read this: ... your thoughts on it?

There's a crime in the Revised Penal Code named "offending religious feelings."

Ask me anything

What do you listen to in the mornings? A particular radio show or set of songs?

I set my celphone to play "I Will Sing Forever" every weekdays at 5 a.m. When I listen to songs in the morning, they belong to generally that genre. Nothing heavy in the morning.

Ask me anything

How would you answer if someone told you "Hello, I love you. Won't you tell me your name?" (And yes. This references a song :P)

Ignore. That's impossible in my case. Hehehehehe

Ask me anything

What was breakfast? :D

Have not eaten yet but there's spag, bread and coffee here in the office.

Ask me anything

Friday, September 17, 2010
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

What defines a good lawyer?

He is good lawyer if he is truly an instrument of justice where he practices.

Ask me anything

How many selfless lawyers do you know in the Philippines?

you can count them with your hands

Ask me anything

Thursday, September 16, 2010
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Nakapaglaro ka ba ng syato? Naaalala mo pa ba kung paano?

Yes. But I already forgot how.

Ask me anything

Are there any games from your childhood that you've taught your children?

Actually, none. Times are so different today from when I was a kid.

Ask me anything

All dads dread that moment, I think. But what about the prom and grad ball in high school? What if someone wants to ask her to be his date? What if she wants a particular guy to be her date? I am really curious about a father's perspective.

I'm all for her attending those balls (though I did not attend mine). Anyway it's just a date. Anyway, full disclosure is still my standard. As long as I meet the guy and he seems ok, I will give my permission. The thing is, the more you restrict kids the more they want to do it. So I'd rather just supervise and not appear as the bad guy in any case.

Ask me anything

What is your favorite game of all time? Could be something physical like patintero, a board game like chess or monopoly, could be a video game. Anything :)

Of all time? That would be the Civilization series.

Ask me anything

When your daughter gets suitors, how do you plan to treat them? XD

Gosh what a hard question because the time is almost here. Basically, my policy is I'd rather see them than not see them so if at all she would entertain them. So call me old-fashioned by I would require her suitors to visit the house and date only after I see them. I's a civilized guy so I would treat her potential suitors right. Per our agreement, she would start entertaining suitors only in college.

Ask me anything

What liberties do you believe parents should give their children?

As much as possible so long as they don't get hurt. I'm a believer of disclosure and trust more than liberties and restrictions when it comes to parenting.

Ask me anything

Would you change your name if you could?

No. Perfectly fine with my name.

Ask me anything

Are you planning to re-marry?

Who asked that? Hahahahah! No plans at all. But of course who's to say in the future. She may still be out there. But if not, I have no problems with it just the same.

Ask me anything

What new thing are you learning now?

Still learning how to play the sax and the clarinet.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Knowing what you know now, do you still believe in love?

Yes I still believe in love. But not for me though...

Ask me anything

Knowing what you know now, do you still believe in love?

Knowing what you know now, do you still believe in love?

Answer here

True (2009)

They still look and sound great.

What do you think of the Fil-Am War?

We could have done without the bloodshed, although there would not be any Del Pilar or Sakay...

Ask me anything

Your thoughts on smoking?

Your thoughts on smoking?

Answer here

Do you drink wine? On what occasions do you drink wine?

Yes I do drink wine. But only when served. I don't actively seek it out. It really goes great with the appropriate food.

Ask me anything

Happiness or success?

Happiness, definitely. That's already success.

Ask me anything

What's your cherished memory from your school days? (Could be from elem, high school or college)

Just hanging out with my friends singing songs with someone on the guitar. "In Between Days" by The Cure was our class anthem.

Ask me anything

If you lived in a different era, which would it be? What would you be doing in that era?

I'm actually contented with this one and what I'm doing right now.

Ask me anything

Monday, September 13, 2010
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times


by Spandau Ballet

So true
Funny how it seems
Always in time, but never in line for dreams
Head over heels, when toe to toe
This is the sound of my soul
This is the sound
I bought a ticket to the world
But now I've come back again
Why do I find it hard to write the next line
Oh I want the truth to be said

I know this much is true

With a thrill in my head and a pill on my tongue
Dissolve the nerves that have just begun
Listening to Marvin (all night long)

This is the sound of my soul
This is the sound....

Always slipping from my hands
Sand's a time of its own
Take your seaside arms and write the next line
Oh I want the truth to be known

I know this much is true (x2)

I bought a ticket to the world
But now I've come back again
Why do I find it hard to write the next line
Oh I want the truth to be said

I know this much is true (x2)

This much is true

I know this much is true

Sunday, September 12, 2010
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Put it out

I want to put it out. But how?

by Barbie Almalbis-Honasan

The moons gone down
I know you're still awake
This heart I've found
I didn't intend to break
Cause I've seen the world from down there
And it wasn't a pretty sight
Now the circle is turning
Are you armed for the fight
I wanna be a firewoman
I'll water down your desire
Cause I know this love is a killer
I wanna put out your fire
Apology is futility
Now destiny is not a friend
Did you come for danger
You gave me love for pain
Now you're much more than a stranger
I wanna give you love
But all I have is rain
I'm gonna put it out

Saturday, September 11, 2010
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Miracles Happen

So how are you enjoying your long weekend so far?

Just a song from our past, as we re-watched "The Princess Diaries" last night. 

As we watched this, I remembered the good times with fondness. There was a time when Bea insisted to watch this every single day.

I have to admit it was a good first four years. Only that the last two years canceled it out and even turned the books red.

Anyway, enjoy the song for what it's worth.

Miracles Happen
by Myra
from the movie "The Princess Diaries"

Miracles happen, miracles happen
You showed me faith is not blind
I don't need wings to help me fly
Miracles happen, miracles happen

I can't imagine living my life without you now
Not ever having you around
We found our way out
(on you I can depend)
Don't have to look back to realize how far we've come
There are million reasons
I'm looking up
I don't want this to end

Nothing should ever bring you down
Knowing what goes around will come around

You showed me faith is not blind
I don't need wings to help me fly
Miracles happen, once in a while
When you believe
(miracles happen)
You showed me dreams come to life
That taking a chance on us was right
All things will come with a little time
When You believe

There is no question we found the missing pieces
Our picture is completed
It's fallen into place
(it's fallen into place)
This is our moment, you and I are looking up
Someone is watching over us
Keeping me close
Closer to you everyday

Nowhere on earth I'd rather be
No one can take this away from you and me

You showed me faith is not blind
I don't need wings to help me fly
Miracles happen, once in a while
When you believe
(miracles happen)
You showed me dreams come to life
That taking a chance on us was right
All things will come with a little time
When You believe

When you believe
The soul is a shining light
When you believe
The heart has the will to fight
You can do anything, don't be afraid
We're gonna find our way

You showed me faith is not blind
I don't need wings to help me fly
Miracles happen, once in a while
When you believe
(miracles happen)
You showed me dreams come to life
That taking a chance on us was right
All things will come with a little time
When You believe

(PS: Happy 17th Birthday to my niece, Merphi!)

Friday, September 10, 2010
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Gun control or uphold the right to bear arms to defend oneself?

Gun control or uphold the right to bear arms to defend oneself?

Answer here

How are you spending your time this long weekend?

Just spent this day at a friend's house for some practice shots (photography, not firearms). May probably spend the weekend celebrating my niece's birthday.

Ask me anything

How are you spending your time this long weekend?

How are you spending your time this long weekend?

Answer here

Thursday, September 09, 2010
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

If your clothes could talk, what would they tell you?

take a bath. you stink.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, September 08, 2010
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

What's the best stress reliever you know?

Playing the flute at mass for choir.

Ask me anything

What's your favorite activity with your family? Kite flying? Cooking together?

Simply being together in a simple dinner or at a restaurant.

Ask me anything

If you could choose another profession/job/career path, what would it be?

A musical career.

Ask me anything

If you were a Sesame Street character, would you be friends with Mr Snuffleupagus?

Of course. Who wouldn't?

Ask me anything

Liquor of choice?

San Mig Lite. But whatever's available depending on the budget.

Ask me anything

Finish the sentence: "When life gives you lemons,..."

"...suck it up even if you know it is sour."

Ask me anything

Do you believe "Love conquers all" or "Love is all we need" or "Love is all that matters"?

Do you believe "Love conquers all" or "Love is all we need" or "Love is all that matters"?

Answer here

Do you believe in fate/destiny?

Do you believe in fate/destiny?

Answer here

What's the worst "line" have you used/received/heard?

What's the worst "line" have you used/received/heard?

Answer here

What's the best "line" have you used/received/heard?

What's the best "line" have you used/received/heard?

Answer here

To love because of or to love despite of?

To love because of or to love despite of?

Answer here

A peaceful good death or a glorious, heroic and relevant death?

A peaceful good death or a glorious, heroic and relevant death?

Answer here

Excluding religious objections, are you for or against divorce?

On the basis that we all human and we commit mistakes, I am in favor of divorce. But only once, because I believe we are only entitled to commit the same mistake once.

Ask me anything

Excluding religious objections, are you for or against divorce?

Excluding religious objections, are you for or against divorce?

Answer here

Would you rather: a) Admit your feelings for someone and cause chaos for everyone or b) Keep it to yourself and keep the peace, except yourself, of course?

I'm going to play the martyr here and stick with b. No need for the world to be turned upside down just for li'l ol' me. Will just take care of myself and will eventually be fine, anyway.

Ask me anything

Pre-marital sex: for or against (assuming there is still a choice of course, heheheheh)? And why?

Pre-marital sex: for or against (assuming there is still a choice of course, heheheheh)? And why?

Answer here

Would you rather be rich instead of being good-looking? :-)

Would you rather be rich instead of being good-looking? :-)

Answer here

Money or Glory?

Money or Glory?

Answer here

Would you rather: a) Admit your feelings for someone and cause chaos for everyone or b) Keep it to yourself and keep the peace, except yourself, of course?

Would you rather: a) Admit your feelings for someone and cause chaos for everyone or b) Keep it to yourself and keep the peace, except yourself, of course?

Answer here

Tuesday, September 07, 2010
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Would you rather bow out peacefully or go down in a blaze of glory?

Would you rather bow out peacefully or go down in a blaze of glory?

Answer here

If only down to one choice: Career or Family?

If only down to one choice: Career or Family?

Answer here

What do you think of

What do you think of

Answer here

Is your day over yet?

Is your day over yet?

Answer here

Monday, September 06, 2010
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

Any regrets so far?

Any regrets so far?

Answer here

Getting to know...

To those who are wondering why I'm just posting songs recently, please accept my apologies. Hey, at least I'm posting regularly again.

Getting to Know Each Other
by Gerrard Kenny

I call you and you call me
It's funny how we get on so easily
We're just friends, aren't we?
You've got yours, I've got mine
And friends are all we ever can be

(But) We're getting to know each other
A little too well
We're starting to show our feelings
And people can tell
Everytime that your eyes meet mine
I light up like a neon sign
Yes, we're getting to know each other
A little too well.

We have lunch every now and then
And I find myself humming love songs again and again
Oh, and too many nights
I'm workin' till ten
And I hope that you know
That it's hopeless to go on when..

We're getting to know each other
A little too well
We're starting to show our feelings
And people can tell
Everytime that your eyes meet mine
I light up like a neon sign
Yes, we're getting to know each other
A little too well

Getting to know each other
A little too well

Sunday, September 05, 2010
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times

We've Only Just Begun

A product of a Last Song Syndrome during yesterday's #sentisabado Twitter fest. Enjoy the rest of your week, everyone!

We've Only Just Begun
(Paul Williams and Roger Nichols)

We've only just begun to live,
White lace and promises
A kiss for luck and we're on our way.
And yes, We've just begun.

Before the rising sun we fly,
So many roads to choose
We start our walking and learn to run.
And yes, We've just begun.

Sharing horizons that are new to us,
Watching the signs along the way,
Talking it over just the two of us,
Working together day to day

And when the evening comes we smile,
So much of life ahead
We'll find a place where there's room to grow,
And yes, We've just begun.

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Side Prayers

Lord Jesus,
Teach me to be generous,
Teach me to serve You as You deserve
To give and not to count the cost,
To fight and not to heed the wounds,
To toil and not to seek for rest,
To labor and not to ask for reward,
except that of knowing
That I do Your Holy Will. Amen

May every word I speak be from Your Truth...
I ask come from Your Wisdom...
May every case I handle receive Your Guidance...
May every heart, every life I touch, feel Your Love.

And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying,
"Oh, that You would bless me indeed,
and enlarge my territory,
that Your Hand be with me,
that You would keep me from evil,
that I may not cause pain."

So God granted him what he requested.

Side Oath

The Lawyer's Oath
I do solemnly swear that
I will maintain allegiance to
the Republic of the Philippines,
I will support its Constitution
and obey the laws as well as
the legal orders of the
duly constituted authorities therein;
I will do no falsehood,
nor consent to the doing of any in court;
I will not wittingly or willingly
promote or sue any groundless,
false or unlawful suit,
nor give aid nor consent to the same;
I will delay no man for money or malice,
and will conduct myself as a lawyer
according to the best of my knowledge
and discretion with all good fidelity
as well to the courts as to my clients;
and I impose upon myself this voluntary obligation
without any mental reservation
or purpose of evasion.
So help me God.

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