Thursday, September 01, 2005
This day in history from:

A Eulogy for the Three Impeachment Complaints

Dearly beloved:

We are gathered here today to remember the three impeachment complaints that died yesterday.

Just as they were apparently born (read: initiated) on the same day, so too must they die the same way...

But wait...

The last two died first, killed by a mistaken appreciation (apparently not mistaken, intentional is more the term I'm looking for) of the "one impeachment proceeding per year" rule. It's like being killed by "reckless imprudence." Or is it malicious mischief?

As though the first-born had some fighting chance, with the ruling of "sufficiency in form" despite the lack of verification, it did not survive long after it's siblings, with a ruling of insufficiency in substance, despite the apparent lack of hearing. Once again, a violation of its own rules...

Then, all of a sudden, the enormity of the swindle begins to dawn on all of us. The inherently weak complaint. The immediate endorsement. The Answer Ex Abudante ad Cautelam. The Prejudicial Questions. The Killing of the Strong and the Survival of the Weak. The Sufficiency of Form. The Insufficiency in Subtance. All in a neat package...

You got to admire and curse them all at the same time... a masterstroke of scenario building if I ever did see one...

And before we can even flinch, the Supreme Court will rule on EVAT, just enough to distract us... again ...

Let us pray for the Philippines. And let us remember the first state principle:

"Sovereignty resides in the people and all government authority emanates from them."

Let us also remember: Salus Populi est Supreme Lex.

Let us remember all that has come to pass before we even think about selling our votes next election.

May God (Divine Providence or whatever/whoever divine being you believe in) have mercy on us all.


4 Objection(s):

At 2:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Atty. Punzi,

Sana tama si Randy David in expressing hope in Remulla and Cayetano. Sana mali ako of being hopeless in this situation. We know that God loves our country. I pray for more people to stand against these injustice.... for the sake of our kids and the next generation

At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 1:21 PM, Blogger categorically imperative said...

As Brod Pete would've said, Alien! Alien!

At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nagsindi ako ng kandila para sa luksang bayan.


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Side Prayers

Lord Jesus,
Teach me to be generous,
Teach me to serve You as You deserve
To give and not to count the cost,
To fight and not to heed the wounds,
To toil and not to seek for rest,
To labor and not to ask for reward,
except that of knowing
That I do Your Holy Will. Amen

May every word I speak be from Your Truth...
I ask come from Your Wisdom...
May every case I handle receive Your Guidance...
May every heart, every life I touch, feel Your Love.

And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying,
"Oh, that You would bless me indeed,
and enlarge my territory,
that Your Hand be with me,
that You would keep me from evil,
that I may not cause pain."

So God granted him what he requested.

Side Oath

The Lawyer's Oath
I do solemnly swear that
I will maintain allegiance to
the Republic of the Philippines,
I will support its Constitution
and obey the laws as well as
the legal orders of the
duly constituted authorities therein;
I will do no falsehood,
nor consent to the doing of any in court;
I will not wittingly or willingly
promote or sue any groundless,
false or unlawful suit,
nor give aid nor consent to the same;
I will delay no man for money or malice,
and will conduct myself as a lawyer
according to the best of my knowledge
and discretion with all good fidelity
as well to the courts as to my clients;
and I impose upon myself this voluntary obligation
without any mental reservation
or purpose of evasion.
So help me God.

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