Of course, there's still the matter of my previous years continually in the red... But I hope that I can also recover from that by next year, if things go well.
Anyway, I was greeted my daily power outages in the north. Hence, my forced blog hiatus.
As usual, I spent a few days to attend a hearing that lasted less than 5 minutes. That's no problem for us lawyers, as we are still paid for it. And that's usually our professional lives. It's like waiting a long time cuing before an ATM for your transaction that will last less than a minute.
But I digress. That short hearing nevertheless gave my friends and I a chance to get together over a long lunch where we discussed "things." We had a lot of catching up to do as we rarely see each other anymore. We scheduled a reunion of sorts for the new year, with a small "jamming" session in between...
I actually did not get any rest yesterday as soon as I arrived. I had to report for my consultancy and fetch Bea from school.
Today's no different. My trip to the north means I have to report there two days in a row.
Then, midnight masses will start tomorrow... meaning, choir duties...
Sigh... No rest for the superdad...
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