Punzi's Corner Blog
“As you think, so shall you become.” --Bruce LeeMonday, March 31, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
Sunday, March 30, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
Reflections on the 2007 Bar Tarnish
I'm really bothered by the Supreme Court's decision to lower the passing percentage from 75% to 70%. It's like lowering their standards, which runs contrary to spirit of the bar exams reforms being promulgated.
Any bar exams should be free from tarnish or even the hint of such tarnish.
The reason that it was "unusually difficult" and only a few would pass on 75% is too flimsy for me. It is not as if we desperately need more lawyers, your know. Unfortunately, we can't export them. If only 281 would pass on 75% then so be it, I say.
And lowering the passing grade is too much of a compromise and would not fair to those who took previous bar exams and got 74.9% to 70%. One can argue that the this lowered 70% standard precedent should apply to future exams, and even retroactively to be fair to those who should have passed on these lower standards.
Face it. The Bar Exams is difficult in any event and in any case. If you got a difficult bar chairperson or a difficult bar exam it's just tough luck. And the chairman said in previous interviews, "The Bar examinations are not difficult, it depends on the examinees. If he prepared well and studied well, and prayed hard, then he will make it."
And why lower it to 70%, which I think is too low? Why not only 74% or even 73%? On the extreme, why not 60% or even 50%, which is the minimum grade required in any bar subject? Why not just grade on a curve? Or why not scrap this "unusually difficult" exams altogether, or at least not make it count as far as to "five-strike" rule is concerned?
I'm sure there are some other ways of addressing this "unusually difficult" bar exams other than dropping the standards too low.
Personally, because of this, I will be wary of hiring someone from this year. At the very least, I would demand that an applicant show his/her results and I would only hire one who "really" passed the 2007 Bar Exams, one who passed at 75%. I may not even hire someone from this year altogether and get one from an untarnished year, just to be sure.
You may have another opinion on the matter. But this is mine. And so is my hiring policy, because I'm the one who would have to look for the money to pay for his/her salary.
(If you really must know, and just to shut down an ad hominem argument, I passed my bar exams at way above 75% on my first attempt. I'm not a topnotcher, but I've eaten a lot of them for breakfast.)
Saturday, March 29, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
2008 New Lawyers
1. ABALUS, Karen Anne M.
3. ABARQUEZ, Carlo E.
4. ABDULLAH, Princess Shanihar A.
5. ABELLA, Johanna R.
6. ABISO, Meriame Joy D.
7. ABLOLA, Maricez J.
8. ABUNDABAR, Rhys Michael S.
9. ACEDILLO, Noelle T.
10. ACENA, Anna Cecilia D.
11. ACERET, Shantel P.
12. ACERO, Francis Euston R.
13. ACHARON, Paolo Jay S.
14. ACHAS, Anne Lourdes R.
15. ACLAN, Jennie C.
16. ACOSTA, JR., Isagani S.
17. ADIN, Fatima Irene T.
18. ADIOVA, Agnes Z.
19. ADLAO, Joyce P.
20. ADRIOSULA, Dino M.
21. AFRICA, Cecille Marie A.
22. AGAMATA, Abraham A.
23. AGDA, JR., Victoriano T.
24. AGONCILLO, Gildu R.
25. AGOR, Cesar A.
26. AGPAOA, Magnum D.
27. AGTARAP, Jeffrey M.
28. AGUAVIVA, Ma. Aileen G.
29. AGULAY, JR., Norberto S.
30. AGUNOS, Farah C.
31. AGUSTIN, Oliver P.
32. AGUSTIN, Ronesito B.
33. AKILITH, Joseph A.
35. ALAGABAN, Cherilee B.
36. ALAPOT, Jeofrey R.
37. ALAYON, Marivic M.
38. ALBAO, Ismael A.
39. ALBAYTAR, Mylene C.
40. ALCASABAS, Ramon Manolo A.
41. ALDOVINO, Farah A.
42. ALEJANDRE, Maria Zenaida F.
43. ALEJANDRO, Elsie A.
44. ALFONSO, Maria Kathrina C.
45. ALFONSO, Ramon M.
46. ALILING, Jose Percival Z.
47. ALIMA, Joel A.
48. ALINAO, Michael A.
49. ALINAS, Milber G.
50. ALINOG, Joanah C.
51. ALIPAO, Ligaya G.
52. ALIPUDDIN, Jamecia S.
53. ALIÑO, Dennis C.
54. ALMAZORA, Madelyn Joy S.
55. ALMEDA, John Voltaire A.
56. ALMODAL, Jezebel L.
57. ALOJADO, Rommero O.
58. ALONG, Angela Sigrid J.
59. ALONTE, Ruby Christine C.
60. ALONTO, II, Abdul Gaffur Madki M.
61. ALONZO, Angelita B.
62. ALTAMIA, Eden M.
63. ALVAERA, Joseph Vincent B.
64. ALVAREZ, Ethel L.
65. ALVAREZ, Katrina Anne F.
66. ALVAREZ, Mercedes K.
67. ALVIAR, Myrvilen L.
68. AMADA, Aileen E.
69. AMATONG, Aldren Raye A.
70. AMBATALI, Marian Kristine V.
71. AMOLATA, Apple Cherrie S.
72. AMPARO, Maria Lourdes G.
73. AMPON, Dennis R.
74. ANARNA, Jinky Y.
75. ANCHETA, Ari N.
76. ANDAYOG, Michael S.
77. ANG, Alli T.
78. ANGEL, Joseph Angelo D.
79. ANGELES, Anna Asuncion P.
80. ANGELES, Ela DV.
81. ANGUSTIA, Joseph Domingo M.
82. ANICETE, Alexander Philip C.
83. ANILLO-JACINTO, Ma. Cristina P.
84. ANONGOS, Juliana N.
85. ANTONANO, Essy Genebelle B.
86. ANTONIO, Dan David Vincent D.
87. ANTONIO, Giovanni J.
88. ANTONIO, Michelle M.
89. ANTONIO, Rowena A.
90. APOLINARIO, Anissa P.
91. APOLINARIO, Odilon A.
92. APOLONIO, Katherine G.
93. APOLONIO, III, Alfonso A.
94. APOSTOL, JR., Manolito M.
95. APRUEBO, Violet M.
96. AQUINO, Aristotle R.
97. AQUINO, Loly C.
98. AQUINO, Ma. Carina A.
99. AQUINO, Mary Ann Gretchen U.
100. AQUINO, Noe T.
101. AQUINO-BUÑO, Mimi L.
102. ARBUES, Christian M.
103. ARCEGA, Cesar Arnel M.
104. ARCENAS, Ernie B.
105. ARCHIVAL, Al John M.
106. ARCOS, Dante L.
107. ARDAÑA, Benju V.
108. ARENAS, Maria Diana S.
109. AREVALO, Edgard A.
110. ARIMBOYUTAN, JR., William D.
111. ARIOLA, Rendey D.
112. ARITAO, Benjamin Lawrence P E.
113. ARRIOLA, Roy J.
114. ARSITIO, Robin R.
115. ARUGAY, Roman C.
116. ASCALON, Maki-angel O.
117. ASENCIO, Valentina J.
118. ASENCION, Lincoln R.
119. ASERIT, Ma. Girlie B.
120. ASETRE, Ivy V.
121. ASINAS, Neilster Jon S.
122. ASPA, Franz Raymond P.
123. ASTIH, Pakhruddin M.
124. AURELLANA, Rinchel E.
125. AUSTRIA, Norman B.
126. AVANCE, Candy T.
127. AYSON, JR., Ruben S.
128. BACAL, Noel G.
129. BACALLA, Noel O.
130. BACELONIA, Joy Anne V.
131. BACONGA, Saturnino N.
132. BACORRO, Lianne M.
133. BADIOLA, Alan V.
134. BAGALOYOS, Anne Jamaica E.
135. BAGUIO, Mario P.
136. BAJA, Mariel D.
137. BAKINO, Suseyline M.
138. BALA, Jerwin D.
139. BALANAY, Ruena D.
140. BALAO-AS, John B.
141. BALAOING, Emman B.
142. BALBA, Jennifer M.
143. BALBANERO, Michael A.
144. BALDO, Ma. Aimee E.
145. BALDONADO, Neil Energyte G.
146. BALDOS, Catherine A.
147. BALEIN, Mignonette Emelaine Gail D.
148. BALO, Ted Andrew M.
149. BALOT, Dexter M.
150. BALTAO, Kimberly May F.
151. BALUYOT, Rosario R.
152. BAMBO, Ulysses G.
153. BANAUAG, Boris Maria T.
154. BANAWA, Frayn M.
155. BANAYBANAY, Clarissa Idris G.
156. BANTILAN, JR., Paterno T.
157. BAQUILOD, Clara A.
158. BARCELLANO, JR., Julio D.
159. BARRIOS, Karla Maria F.
160. BARRIOS, Manuel Isidro Rosauro V.
161. BARROSO, Rachel Rueve Marie T.
162. BARSAGA, JR., Nilo P.
163. BARTOLOME, Sheryl G.
164. BARUT, Maribel L.
165. BASALLAJE, Eva Bernardette V.
166. BASAS, Joseph Melvin B.
167. BASCO, Neil Sam L.
168. BASCO, Reynante B.
169. BASQUIÑEZ, Flora Sherry M.
170. BASTASA, Michellee C.
171. BATAY, Rosalyn D.
172. BATICULON, Blanchie T.
174. BAUTISTA, Antonio Carlos B.
175. BAUTISTA, Irvin A.
176. BAUTISTA, Jackie Lou C.
177. BAUTISTA, Maria Teresa I.
178. BAUTISTA, Patricia Lee Alexandra M.
179. BAYLON, Melvin P.
180. BAYOT, Rocherrie S.
181. BEJER, Louise Dianne A.
182. BEJOC-CARANDANG, Florence G.
183. BELORIA, JR., Cesar B.
184. BELTRAN, Leonard M.
185. BELZA, Mary Angieline L.
186. BEN, Noel A.
187. BENITEZ, Ferdinand S.
188. BENITEZ, Victor Esteban S.
189. BENTULAN, Jeremias A.
190. BERMUDEZ, Ronaldo O.
191. BERNADES, Dexter Niño E.
192. BERNADOS, Cresente C.
193. BERNAL, June Ann Q.
194. BERNAL, Rj A.
195. BERNAL, Victor Marc B.
196. BERNARDO, Rommel M.
197. BILLONES-IBARDOLAZA, Maria Genalyn T.
198. BILOCURA, Nathaniel B.
199. BINALAY, Maria Florinia B.
200. BINAYAN, Darcy M.
201. BITARA, Francis Rael C.
202. BLANCO, Mark Philip B.
203. BLANQUISCO, Sherryl R.
204. BLANZA, Randy B.
205. BOADO, Armi-lynn Kristine H.
206. BOCAR, Vida Zora G.
207. BOCO, Jimmy B.
208. BOJOS, Anna Fionah L.
209. BOLIVAR, Amy Grace O.
210. BOLIVAR-AMONCIO, Anna Marie Josette A.
211. BOLLIDO, Ma. Corazon P.
212. BOMBASE, Paulo N.
213. BONGAT, Joanna S.
214. BONIFACIO, Marie Eugenie Grace M.
215. BONSOL, Mary Grace S.
216. BONTIGAO-BAGUE, Maria Estela H.
217. BORBON, Alyssa Benetta L.
218. BORGONIA, John Ismael B.
219. BORJA, Karl Frederick S.
220. BORJA, Ruel P.
221. BOTIGAN, Maria Cristina C.
222. BRAGADO, Marijoy B.
223. BRAGAS, Diane Karen B.
224. BRILLANTES, Love Joy Cecilia C.
225. BRIONES, Joyce M.
226. BRIONES, Leo Santiago M.
227. BRITANICO, Francesco C.
228. BRITO, Edita
229. BUENAVISTA, Ryan S.
230. BUENCAMINO, Christine Marie V.
231. BUENDIA, Terence P.
232. BUENVIAJE, Ernest Ian S.
233. BUGAYONG, Allan Rheynier D.
234. BULATAO, Sheryl Grace G.
235. BULONG, JR., Joaquin N.
236. BULSECO, Cheslyn Claire C.
237. BULSECO, III, Francisco S.
238. BURGOS, Jo Ann M.
239. BUSLAYAN, JR., Romeo F.
240. BUSTOS, Janina Lourdes S.
241. BUZETA-ACERO, Andre Ria B.
242. CABAILO-ALDEA, Ethelwolda A.
243. CABALHUG, JR., Antonio J.
244. CABANLAS, Dick Carlo J.
245. CABANTOG, Amylaine R.
246. CABARABAN, Maria Cielo Shanidar C.
247. CABEL, Karla T.
248. CABILES, Jo Aileen A.
249. CABRAL, III, Ricardo Felix C.
250. CABUHAT, Mary Ellen S.
251. CACABELOS, Karren Maricris G.
252. CACERES, Rowena C.
253. CADIZ, Manuel Cesar Reno S.
254. CALAYAN, Deanna Maria Rachel S.
255. CALINGIN, Carlomagno N.
256. CALIPES, Bhavelyn S.
257. CALIZO, Brian M.
258. CALLANTA, Eduardo G.
259. CALSEÑA, Mariedith B.
260. CALSIYAO, JR., Ceferino B.
261. CALUMBA, Edelene Grace S.
262. CAMANGEG, Cristel Marie G.
263. CAMELON, III, Renato M.
264. CAMORA, Gloria A.
265. CAMPOS, JR., Napoleon P.
266. CAMPOSANO, Catherine A.
267. CAMUA, Roger Terence P.
268. CANCEKO, Eileen Joy P.
269. CANONIGO-GAN, Catherine C.
270. CANSINO, III, Emilio P.
271. CANTAROS, JR., Rufino C.
272. CANULLAS, Karen S.
273. CAOAYAN, Wenceslao R.
274. CAPACITE-BALLAIS, Gissle Gay A.
275. CARANTES, John Carlo E.
276. CARIÑO, Maria Elena E.
277. CARLOTA, JR., Mariano P.
278. CARPINA, Iris M.
279. CARPIO, Benedicto R.
280. CARREON, III, Cesar R.
281. CARTAGENA, Benedict S.
282. CARUNGCONG, Jonathan R.
283. CASABAR, Alezandro S.
284. CASANGKAPAN, Antonio C.
285. CASEÑAS, Ma. Goretti V.
286. CASIMIRO, Orlando Paolo F.
287. CASTAÑEDA, Kristina P.
288. CASTAÑOS, Chester C.
289. CASTIGADOR, Alex C.
290. CASTILLO, Eilyn Beverly Bless L.
291. CASTILLO, Jocelyn Perolina
292. CASTILLO, Marlon William M.
293. CASTILLO-LORENZO, Cesaria Dane D.
294. CASTRO, Fernand A.
295. CASTRO, Jesselito L.
296. CASTRO, Rainela D.
297. CAUDANG, Hashreen T.
298. CAVADA, Glenn M.
299. CAVISTANY, Debbie Liezl B.
300. CAYABYAB, Pamela Ann T.
301. CAYBOT, Cristina V.
302. CAÑAS, Reginildo R.
303. CELINO, Sarah Eufrosina D.
304. CENABRE, Ethan Allen F.
305. CEQUENA, Levie Lyn C.
306. CERILLO, Maria Theresa A.
307. CERVANTES, Paul Christian M.
309. CHAN, Jordanne B.
310. CHAVEZ, Marvin Gregory R.
311. CHAVEZ, III, Cesar Angelo A.
312. CHENG, Charles Edward M.
313. CHING, Ronald Segundino C.
314. CHING, III, Benito S.
315. CHIONG, Naomi C.
316. CHIU, Karol Joseph P.
317. CHU, Emilio C.
318. CLAMOR, Antonette P.
319. CLARA, Barbra Jill B.
320. CLARAVALL, VI, Francisco M.
321. CO, Evangeline M.
322. CO, Karl Steven A.
323. CO, Rosalyn S.
324. CO, Ryan D.
325. CODA-MAMUKID, Monalisa B.
326. COLET, Juan Paolo E.
327. COLICO, Cristina T.
328. COMPETENTE, Joenel R.
329. CONALES, Christie Anne S.
331. CONCHA, Diana Charlette G.
332. CONCHA, Susan Espera L.
333. CONCHA, Val Angelo C.
334. CONSTANTINO, Pillar L.
335. COPAHAN, Levie U.
336. CORCEGA, Mediner M.
337. CORDERO, Felicito C.
338. CORDIA, Marthe Lois V.
339. CORONEL, Anna Karina A.
340. CORONEL, Jeffrey Jefferson Y.
341. CORPUZ, Emmanuel Rico C.
342. CORRAL, Claire B.
343. CORRO, Andrew C.
344. CORTES, Lee Owen P.
345. CORTEZ, Vida A.
346. CORTEZANO, Marwin M.
347. COSTALES, Leslie D.
348. CRISOSTOMO, Jeremiah N.
349. CRISTOBAL, Laurrie Layne P.
350. CRUZ, Anna Liza R.
351. CRUZ, Celeste Marie R.
352. CRUZ, Consuelo L.
353. CRUZ, Din-din A.
354. CRUZ, Elbert S.
355. CRUZ, Francis Joseph A.
356. CRUZ, Guia Perpetua C.
357. CRUZ, Jaymark SJ.
358. CRUZ-ABRENICA, Ma. Sophia Editha C.
359. CU, Robespierre S.
360. CUADRAS, Christian Arfel B.
361. CUBERO, Ela Michelle S.
362. CUDAL, Efren S.
363. CUNANAN, Rowena S.
364. CUPIDA, Febie A.
365. CURA, Amando M.
366. CURAMENG, Mary Ann T.
367. CURVA, Peter Marcu G.
368. DADULLA, Marites D.
369. DAGANTA, Shirley R.
370. DALIVA, Kristina Marie D.
371. DAMASCO, Alvy B.
372. DAMONDAMON, Mark Michael G.
373. DANCEL, Rojie G.
374. DAOAS, Pio Windale A.
375. DAPANAS, Lex Michelle M.
376. DAPON, JR., Loreto J.
377. DAPUL, Rhodalyne E.
378. DASING, Perlita DP.
379. DATUDACULA, Jamil D.
380. DATUDACULA, Normina M.
381. DAUZ, Roselea M.
382. DAVID, J. Krisley C.
383. DAYANDAYAN, Milreysa S.
384. DAYANDAYAN, JR., Remegio C.
385. DAYRIT, Chelin Y.
386. DAYRIT, Decruso P.
387. DE ANGEL, Jerlyn D.
388. DE AUSTRIA, Blisselda G.
389. DE CLARO, Christine Joanne F.
390. DE GUIA, Anne Mhiren Claudine D.
391. DE GUZMAN, Carmela Joy R.
392. DE GUZMAN, Ederlita V.
393. DE GUZMAN, Jay B.
394. DE GUZMAN, Soraida A.
395. DE GUZMAN, Vera M.
396. DE GUZMAN, JR., Glenn Ceasar T.
397. DE JESUS, Precy C.
398. DE JESUS, Remedios V.
399. DE JESUS, Roman Miguel G.
400. DE LA PAZ, Luis Gregorio Jesus B.
401. DE LA TORRE, Mailene M.
402. DE LARA, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary A.
403. DE LEON, Alaya M.
404. DE LEON, Dennis Carlos Rogaciano C.
405. DE LEON, Dino Robert L.
406. DE LEON, John Paul V.
407. DE LEON, Katrina P.
408. DE LEON, Pantas M.
409. DE LOS REYES, Kristine Margaret R.
410. DE LOS REYES, Teodula B.
411. DE LOS SANTOS, Mary Grace G.
412. DE QUIROZ, Napoleon C.
413. DE VERA, Celeste A.
414. DE VERA, Marichelle DT.
415. DEE, Ma. Gemma M.
416. DEGAMO, Wilhelmo M.
417. DEGOLLADO, Ethel Marie G.
418. DEL CASTILLO, Anna Patricia R.
419. DEL ROSARIO, Aldrich C.
420. DEL ROSARIO, Julie Fe A.
421. DEL ROSARIO, Rowena A.
422. DELA CERNA, Orville T.
423. DELA CRUZ, Joan M.
424. DELA CRUZ, JR., Anastacio R.
425. DELA CRUZ, JR., Epifanio C.
426. DELA FUENTE, Abigail R.
427. DELA FUENTE, Juan Miguel Victor C.
428. DELA PAZ, Ronald Ray O.
429. DELA PEÑA, Jonalyn D.
430. DELA ROSA, Abigail R.
431. DELAMIDE, Adan T.
432. DELGADO, Wilma H.
433. DELGADO, JR., Enrico B.
434. DELIMA, Ma. Chat H.
435. DELLOSO, Prince Gil F.
436. DELORIA, Kim E.
437. DELOS SANTOS, Josefina Maria Procesa L.
438. DEPASUCAT, Reyna Faith B.
439. DEQUILLA, Christopher L.
440. DERLA, Brenda Y.
441. DESAMPARADO, Ma. Johanna P.
442. DESCALZO, Jose Ariel M.
443. DETICIO, Aileen Grace U.
444. DEVANADERA, Anna Noreen T.
445. DEYTO, Melinda D.
446. DIAZ, Noriel D.
447. DIAZ, Rei Alessandro L.
448. DIMACALI, Adrian P.
449. DIMAILIG, Maricris T.
450. DIMALIG, Ma. Wengel Lou S.
451. DINAMLING, Dick Mark D.
452. DINGAL, Ailene L.
453. DIONALDO, Junald S.
454. DIOSO, Armand B.
455. DIRIGE, Chelsea Segunda G.
456. DIVINAGRACIA, Lenore Angeline L.
458. DIVINO, Reichelle S.
459. DOMANTAY, Valerie Grace F.
460. DOMINGO, Andrix D.
461. DOMINGO, Osana Theresa D.
462. DOMINGO, Sherwin E.
463. DOMINGO, Tristan Dwight P.
464. DOMINGUEZ, Lovely P.
465. DONASCO, Edgar Alan A.
466. DORADO, Rilt Renart G.
467. DORIA, Marites Q.
468. DORIA, Richard Joseph C.
469. DOROMAL, Jose Joel P.
470. DUMAMA, Sha Elijah B.
471. DUMBAB, Harvey A.
472. DUMLAO, Jovian Jubert S.
473. DUMLAO, Melchor B.
474. DUMPILO, Eric Anthony A.
475. DUQUE, Gonzalito Nicolo E.
476. DURA, Blair M.
477. DY, Kristina Irene C.
478. DYBONGCO, Levi N.
479. DYCHIAO, Lorraine N.
480. EBILLO, Russel L.
481. ECHIVERRI, Juan Crisostomo M.
482. ECLAR, Clarence M.
483. EDDING, Jihan El R.
484. EDILLOR, Kathleen T.
485. EJES, Reynaldo R.
486. ELERIA, Elmer D.
487. ELIZALDE, Peter Bill C.
488. ELOPRE, Rojane C.
489. ELVEÑA, Christine Angelica B.
490. EMPINO, Arolf C.
491. ENTICA, Mellany V.
492. ERALDO-ARNUCO, Marcia Monina L.
493. ERNIE, Rachelle DG.
494. ESCUETA, III, Emilio D.
495. ESPAÑO, Mary Trish R.
496. ESPAÑOL, Diosdado C.
497. ESPAÑOL, Fritzzie Lyn F.
498. ESPEJO, Dhylyne Enchon B.
499. ESPERA, Woody John G.
500. ESPINOSA, Benjie G.
501. ESPINOSA, Maria Karla L.
502. ESPIRITU, Roel S.
503. ESTARES, Erwin P.
504. ESTAÑO, Heinjie B.
505. ESTILO, Chatru Anthony C.
506. ESTIMADA, Eric O.
507. EUGENIO, Christopher G.
508. EVANGELISTA, Ignacio F.
509. EVANGELISTA, Maria Ghia C.
510. EVANGELISTA, Ronald Brian G.
511. EXAMEN, Hannah D.
512. EXCONDE, Caroline G.
513. FABELLA, Caryl Kate S.
514. FABI, Joycery V.
515. FABILA, Eni Grace B.
516. FAJARDO, Ann Laurice A.
517. FAJARDO, Marlon G.
518. FAJARDO, Ria Divina I.
519. FALCULAN-MARI, Ma. Rowena D.
520. FAMA, Castelo Angelo T.
521. FANLO, Jaime Eduardo R.
522. FANLO, Mei Loraine C.
523. FANTONE, Ronald A.
524. FERNANDEZ, Francis A.
525. FERNANDEZ, Joselito D.
526. FERNANDEZ, Rommel P.
527. FERNANDEZ, Teodoro Lorenzo A.
528. FERNANDO, Janina Marie S.
529. FERRARIS, Wilt P.
530. FERRER, Dennis B.
531. FESALBON, Brenda Rhea F.
532. FESTEJO, Ryan Ed T.
533. FIANZA, Jinky Joar D.
534. FIDEL, Cyril C.
535. FIEL, Jasmin R.
536. FIGUEROA, Eddalaine M.
537. FLORA, Vanessa B.
538. FLORES, Arthur C.
539. FLORES, Chuchie L.
540. FLORES, Galerie Gee Y.
541. FLORES, Milette Socorro S.
542. FLORES, Sim C.
543. FLORES, Zargibran Adolben R.
544. FLORESE, Jose Frederick P.
545. FONTILLAS, Hyacinth T.
546. FORAYO, Christina P.
547. FORTUNO, Loretta Renie R.
548. FRANCISCO, Carlos Raphael N.
549. FRANCISCO, Kristine C.
550. FRANCO, Fatima Kristine J.
551. FUA, Marforth T.
552. GABALLO, Joyce B.
553. GABRIEL, Abegail C.
554. GABRIELES, Omar T.
555. GACUTNO, Jerry V.
556. GADRINAB, Fermin Nestor A.
558. GALA, Ana Siela M.
559. GALAURAN, John Michael S.
560. GALAY, Lani S.
561. GALLEROS, Cecille P.
562. GAMALINDA, Cheryl S.
563. GAMBONG, Lilyn D.
564. GAMONNAC, Florendo D.
565. GAN, Paula Katherina A.
566. GAN, III, Joaquin N.
567. GANALON, John Paul R.
568. GAPOL, JR., Flaviano T.
569. GAPOY, Lei Adrian V.
570. GARCES, Michael M.
571. GARCIA, Czarina B.
572. GARCIA, Jorge M.
573. GARCIA, Katherine Mari S.
574. GARGARITA, Claire Anne R.
575. GARIANDO, Ivy P.
577. GARLITOS, Kenneth Vincent J.
578. GARRIDO, Maria Cecilia M.
579. GATCHALIAN, Michal L.
580. GAYETA-ANDAYA, Catherine Joy S.
581. GAYON, Dorothy L.
582. GAYOSA, Tracy Ann M.
583. GEMENTIZA, Frederick A.
584. GENETIANO, Maureen R.
585. GENISE, Henida G.
586. GERADA, Jay P.
587. GERODIAS, Jillina M.
588. GERONA, Christian D.
589. GERONILLA, Beatriz O.
590. GERONIMO, Cesar C.
591. GERVASIO, Lianne Marie R.
592. GO, Aaron D.
593. GO, Angel Love M.
594. GO, Helene D.
595. GO, James G.
596. GO, Kirby C.
597. GO, Madonna Santa D.
598. GO, Maria Leonita Q.
599. GO, JR., Lito A.
600. GOC-ONG, Vanessa B.
601. GODINEZ, Christopher Lyndon N.
602. GOLLABA, JR., Gabriel L.
603. GOMEZ, Armeen Alain B.
604. GONZAGA, Johans S.
605. GONZAGA, Rosanne Juliana R.
606. GONZALES, Gerald S.
607. GONZALES, Sheryl V.
608. GONZALES, II, Marcelino R.
609. GRAGASIN, Manny V.
610. GRAN, Adriel B.
611. GRANDE, Alexander Francis C.
612. GUANZON, Woodro L.
613. GUARINO-RIVERA, Leila Magda N.
614. GUERRA, Ed Anthony F.
615. GUERRA, Reah B.
616. GUERRA-DE LA VEGA, Anna Marie Mae R.
617. GUICO, Maria Laarni Sheila S.
618. GUILING, Hosni L.
619. GUILLERMO, Virgin Rose Sharon P.
620. GUIMBATAN, Sandra M.
621. GUINA, Rene Andrew A.
622. GUIPO, Maria Primarisa C.
623. GUMPAL, Dante Gil D.
624. GUTIERREZ, Andrea L.
625. GUZMAN, Jacqueline A.
626. GUZMAN, Josefina A.
627. HAMCHAWAN, Judith B.
628. HERMOSISIMA, Honorato Carlo C.
629. HERNANDEZ, Cheryl A.
630. HERNANDEZ, JR., Celso J.
631. HERNANDO, Cherry Chiara L.
632. HERRERA, Georgia May L.
633. HIZON, Joaquin Miguel Z.
634. HORCA, III, Jesus Manuel A.
635. HORTIZ, Michelle L.
636. HUBAHIB, Mariano C.
637. HUMILDE, Philip N.
638. HURTADO, Ghia Chrystellyne O.
639. IBRAHIM, Ysnaira A.
640. ILAGAN, JR., Casiano A.
641. ILAO, Julan C.
642. ILARDE, Maila Katrina Y.
643. IMPERIAL, Dinah F.
644. IMPERIAL, Paul Rodulfo B.
645. INDAR, Rahma A.
646. INOTURAN, Florinda P.
647. INTERIOR, Enrico S.
648. JABAL, Joel J.
649. JABSON, Eugene Oliver M.
650. JACOB, Jamael A.
651. JACOBO-GRECIA, Nemia S.
652. JANDUSAY, Marie Bernadette M.
653. JAPZON, Maria Jeanette A.
654. JARANILLA, Cedric S.
655. JATICO-NUÑEZ, Janeth G.
656. JAUD, Myra Jennifer D.
657. JAUDINES, Sheryl C.
658. JAVIER, Z 19 S.
659. JOVEN, Emil Karlo L.
660. JUMALON, Joel Jonn U.
661. JURIAL, Niño Jim B.
662. JUSTINIANI, JR., Romeo S.
663. KANAPI, Roberto Ricardo O.
664. KUONG, Dennis C.
665. LABIAL, JR., Ricardo P.
666. LABOG, Norberto Pocholo P.
667. LABRADOR, Chaveli Joan O.
668. LABUSTRO-GARCIA, Jacquelyn A.
669. LACAMBRA, JR., Modesto C.
670. LAGAT, Eileen Mae B.
671. LAGMAN, Mary Rosary D.
672. LAGMAY, Aries John P.
673. LAIZ-DE VILLA, Ma. Theresa S.
674. LAM, Jennifer T.
675. LAMA, Michelle T.
676. LAMIGO, Richard L.
677. LAMPA, Rex D.
678. LANTION, Maria Camille G.
679. LAO, Dave Y.
680. LAO, Jewelle Y.
681. LAPPAY, JR., Gregorio A.
682. LAPUZ, Rosalie T.
683. LASAFIN, II, Adler Mari Eriberto L.
684. LASCANO, Jasper Alberto H.
685. LASTIMADO, Marvin P.
686. LAURE, Adonis A.
687. LAURE, Quijano S.
688. LAUREL, Marivic DL.
690. LEAGOGO, Adrianne Daniel L.
691. LEGARTO, Mary Ann C.
692. LEGASPI, Faith Henriet B.
693. LEONARDO, Melissa N.
694. LEPAIL, Jehan-jehan A.
695. LERO, John Paul Huey V.
696. LEYSON, Ian Peter A.
697. LIBARDO, Arlene Mae L.
698. LIBRADO, Leah A.
699. LIBUIT, Grace P.
700. LIDASAN, Jehan B.
701. LILAGAN, Jean P.
702. LIM, Anthony Lemuel T.
703. LIM, Antonio Paolo S.
704. LIM, Beatriz Paz Dominique D.
705. LIM, Dominadoranne I.
706. LIM, Edward Allan P.
707. LIM, Eileen D.
708. LIM, Frederick Charles Y.
709. LIM, Irene C.
710. LIM, Joanne M.
711. LIM, Lloyd Steven L.
712. LIM, JR., Menandro T.
713. LIMA, Cherry Joie B.
714. LIMBO, Charo C.
715. LINSANGAN, Jose A.
716. LIWAG, Monica T.
717. LIWALUG, Fatimah S.
718. LIZA-TORRES, Connie P.
719. LLARENA, Geoffrey H.
720. LLAVE, Lynda
721. LLAVE, Maria Isabel M.
722. LLENARES, Kathleen E.
723. LLIDO, Christian B.
724. LLOBRERA, Santy B.
725. LOAYON, Wildebrandt C.
726. LOBEDICA, Clyde Lelith S.
727. LOBERIO, Jonathan D.
728. LOBIANO, Maria Lourdes M.
729. LOBO, Numer P.
730. LOMAS-E, JR., Bonifacio Craig Y.
731. LONGALONG, Carol P.
732. LONTOC, Maureen DR.
733. LOPEZ, Erwin N.
734. LOPEZ, Gloria Monica S.
735. LOPEZ, Grace Marie
736. LOPEZ, Irish T.
737. LOPEZ, Jose Manuel A.
738. LOPEZ, Lea Mabel P.
739. LOPEZ, Lionel L.
740. LOPEZ, Maria Aurora Celestina M.
741. LOPEZ-BILAOEN, Nancy R.
742. LOPINGCO, Sharina Marie U.
743. LORENZANA, Gina L.
744. LORENZO, Jason T.
745. LU, Anna Victoria M.
746. LU, Sheila U.
747. LUI, Jonah Grace L.
748. LUMAGUI-SAYOTO, Marinela D.
749. LUMBATAN, Alexis M.
750. LUNA, Don Angelo S.
751. LUNA, Sandra A.
752. LUY, Ruby M.
753. MAALAT, Yvanna DL.
754. MAATA, Michael Oliver B.
755. MABANAG, Zeus R.
756. MABANGLO, Mildred Ann Q.
757. MABANSAG, Ivy B.
758. MABAZZA, Cristina A.
759. MABUTAS, Jesus Servando S.
760. MACAPAGAL, Richelle Joy P.
761. MACARAIG, Allan Reiz C.
762. MACARILAY, Florante C.
763. MADAMBA, Marvelous M.
764. MADAYAG, Irene Mae R.
765. MADULID, Lea T.
767. MAGBANUA, Pearl Sheila S.
768. MAGBANUA, JR., Manuel M.
769. MAGCAWAS, Allison T.
770. MAGNO-ZARATE, Citedina U.
771. MAGPANTAY, Anthea A.
772. MAGPANTAY-NG, Maricel M.
773. MAGRACIA, Herschel F.
774. MAGSINO, Carmi D.
775. MAGUAD, Zha-zha R.
776. MAHAMUD, John-christopher T.
777. MAILOM, Renniel C.
778. MALASA, Angelica O.
779. MALIAWAO, Anwar Khalid U.
780. MALLARI, II, Roberto P.
781. MANALABE, Grandis Rem T.
782. MANALANG, Kristina C.
783. MANALO, Jose Miguel S.
784. MANALO, Juan C.
785. MANANSALA, Edwin C.
786. MANCAO, Cecille B.
787. MANINGDING, Cadeiah B.
788. MANIS, Teliano L.
789. MANLOSA, Armi Lyn B.
790. MANLUYANG, Jeoffrey C.
791. MANUEL, Harlynne Monette M.
792. MANUEL, Olive Jane S.
793. MARASIGAN, Christopher Rey C.
794. MARCOS, Mary Jenneane R.
795. MARMOL, Fidelito L.
796. MARQUEZ, Edwin U.
797. MARQUEZ, Jal A.
798. MARRERO, Evelyn A.
799. MARTIN, Monica M.
800. MARTINEZ, Cherry M.
801. MARTINEZ, Janet L.
802. MARTIR, Karla May O.
803. MASANGKAY, Emmerly Jane D.
804. MATE, Michael Vincent A.
805. MATIBAG, Julius G.
806. MATILA, Rodelio S.
807. MAULION, Mischelle R.
808. MAXILOM, Marvin S.
809. MAXINO, Nancy A.
810. MAÑAGO, Sheryl M.
811. MEDIJA, Louela Lynne M.
812. MEJIA, Cecille L.
813. MEJIA, Maritess T.
815. MELITANTE, Christian George L.
816. MENDEZ, Geraldine C.
817. MENDINUETO, Erwin Edward P.
818. MENDOZA, Anna Charisse L.
819. MENDOZA, Kim Grace A.
820. MENDOZA, Marlon M.
821. MENDOZA, Mary Ann P.
822. MENDOZA, Mayette M.
823. MENDOZA, Perfecto Justino A.
824. MENESES, Geraldine S.
825. MERCADO, Daiza Anne O.
826. MERCADO, Erickson Donn R.
827. MERCADO, Katherine C.
828. MERCADO, JR., Wilfred A.
829. MERNADO, JR., Michael M.
830. MEÑEZ, Kristine Joy M.
831. MIANO, Diana Marie P.
832. MIGRIÑO, Jason R.
833. MILAN, Jurgens SJ.
834. MILLA, Patricia C.
835. MIOLE, Kristofferlean A.
836. MIRANDA, JR., Reinerio G.
837. MISOLA, Gladys V.
838. MITRA, JR., Elmer R.
839. MONDRAGON, Iannoel V.
840. MONGAYA, Anna Khristine C.
841. MONTEALEGRE, Theodore Allan M.
842. MONTEMAYOR, Adrian R.
843. MONTENEGRO, Allen L.
844. MONTERO, Osmond M.
845. MONTEZA, Angelica Diane B.
846. MORALES, Anthony Lawrence M.
847. MORALES, Cynthia Evangeline D.
848. MORALES, Eufel N.
849. MORALES, Giovanni R.
850. MORALES, Leilani C.
851. MORALES, Michelle Frances L.
852. MORANO, IV, Rene Cornelio R.
853. MORENO, JR., Oscar P.
854. MORENO, JR., Paulino H.
855. MUYCO, Mary Love P.
856. NABUA, John Paul PA.
857. NACIONALES, JR., Rafael D.
858. NAFIANOG, Roger L.
859. NAMBATAC, Dave U.
860. NANGKIL, Philip Ray L.
861. NAPARATE, Arsenia A.
862. NARAJOS, Patricia D.
863. NARANJO, Christine Marie L.
864. NARISMA, Juevanrey A.
865. NATANAUAN, Klarisa L.
866. NAVARRO, Tina B.
867. NEFALAR, Marissa Corazon T.
868. NEIS, Maebe T.
869. NEPOMUCENO, Roviel B.
870. NERY, Melanie Johanna C.
871. NGOCHUA, Patricia Cristina T.
872. NICOLAS, Arvil Philipp A.
873. NICOLAS, Donnaliza A.
874. NICOLAS, Jonathan C.
875. NORA, Paula Katrina L.
876. NOVERO, Brian DS.
877. NUESTRO, Glenn Michael P.
878. NUEVE, Theresa Genevieve C..
879. OBILLOS, Maria Yasmin M.
880. OBIÑA, Eve Jonapaula M.
881. OCAMPO, Robert V.
882. OCAMPO, Shierma F.
883. OCAÑADA-ALEGRE, Amelie O.
884. OCFEMIA, Emil M.
885. OLAÑO, Sheryl L.
886. OLINGAY, Stephen C.
887. OMADTO, JR., Arnold Ninoy P.
888. OMELIO, Princess Claudin C.
889. OMPAD, Julius T.
890. ONA, Mercedita L.
891. ONG, Jennifer T.
892. ORBITA, Janis Mahalia A.
893. ORCULLO, Sora Dereka T.
894. ORENCIA, Janice Rhea B.
895. ORENCIO, Leah May L.
896. OROPESA, Cyril C.
897. ORPILLA, Michelle O.
898. ORTEGA, Noel M.
899. OUANO, Ethelbert B.
900. PABALINAS, Michael D.
901. PABELLAN, Abouben Jade R.
902. PABIONA, Esther Joy P.
903. PABLO, Jessibel M.
904. PACASEM, Nurhani C.
905. PADATE, Faizal A.
906. PAGAYATAN, Alfred T.
907. PALAC, Lemuel G.
908. PALENCIA, JR., Chulo B.
909. PALILEO, Alena Gale H.
910. PALINES, Erwin B.
911. PALMA, Pilipinas C.
912. PAMINTUAN, Dennis Albert S.
913. PAMMIT, Mari Khris R.
914. PAMONAG, Noli Rey L.
915. PAMPOLINA, Jonathan T.
916. PANER, Linda Lucky Grace C.
917. PANES, Anfred P.
918. PANES, JR., Rolando D.
919. PANGANIBAN, Avigail E.
920. PANGILINAN, Beverly F.
921. PANHON, Raymond G.
922. PARADELA, Glenn Raymond O.
923. PARAISO, Renato A.
924. PARAS, Joannah A.
925. PARONG, Joel Joselito G.
926. PASATIEMPO, Herlyn L.
927. PASCO, Novern Irish A.
928. PASCUAL, Joshua F.
929. PASCUAL, Urvi B.
930. PASION, Paul Emerson M.
931. PASTOR, Noel R.
932. PATALINJUG, Liza Marie S.
933. PATCHO, Jerry B.
934. PAULINO, Carlo A.
935. PAULINO, Paulo A.
936. PAYUMO, Caroline C.
937. PAYUMO, Marie Joy M.
938. PAZ, A.j. Gerardo T.
939. PAÑALES, Rhyan M.
940. PERALTA, Ramses S.
941. PEREDO, Eldric Paul A.
942. PERERA, Jason Bader LL.
943. PEREZ, Lyndon Gabriel C.
944. PEREZ-FERRER, Ruby C.
945. PEÑAFLOR, Aldrin G.
946. PEÑARANDA, Jose Rommel A.
947. PEÑARANDA, Rhyna M.
948. PEÑAS, Stella J.
949. PICCIO, Agnes A.
950. PICIO, Jubal R.
951. PILAR, Joy B.
952. PINEDA, Marco K.
953. PINTOR, Arminda T.
954. PIZARRO, Edwin Joy L.
955. PIÑGA, Vibenditho J.
956. PLACIDO, Lady Liza R.
957. PLAZA, Gaudenis Felix E.
958. POJAS, Philip John L.
959. PONDEMIRA, Katrina B.
960. POPANES, Alex Alberto M.
961. POQUIZ, JR., Eduardo U.
962. PORMENTILLA, Jeland Omer L.
963. PORTOZA, Elyjean D.
964. PORTUGAL, Russel P.
965. POSADAS, John Philip A.
966. POSADAS, Raymond Charles N.
967. POTICANO, Joselita M.
968. PRADO, Reigel A.
969. PREZA, Irma R.
970. PRIELA, Diomer L.
971. PRIETO, Mark Anthony S.
972. PUA, Ian Dominic M.
973. PUEDA, Anna Liza S.
974. PUGEDA, Jordan Neil S.
975. PUJANES, Jay P.
976. PUNO, JR., Rogelio D.
977. PY, Ailyn S.
978. QUANICO, JR., Leonardo B.
979. QUINSAYAS, Prima Jesusa B.
980. QUINTO, Salvador Henry H.
981. QUIROS, Jolex M.
982. QUIROZ, Bernadette V.
983. RABANES, Antonita C.
984. RABANG, Luisa A.
985. RABE, Mark Pepito J.
986. RACHO, Gerald B.
987. RAFAEL, Hyacinth E.
988. RAGSAC, Arceli C.
989. RAMIREZ, Cecily Nerisse C.
990. RAMIREZ, Doris G.
991. RAMIREZ, Renato Oliver A.
992. RAMIREZ, JR., Alfredo O.
993. RAMOS, Beatrix I.
994. RAMOS, Carmen Grace S.
995. RAMOS, Janice Kristine R.
996. RAMOS, Lesalie M.
997. RAMOS, Liza Michelle E.
998. RAMOS, Rechie N.
999. RAMOS, Reezann Keith E.
1000. RAMOS, Ricardo Victor K.
1001. RAMOS, JR., Eduardo F.
1002. RANGGA, Gleenes Dave T.
1003. RAVAL, Jose Roy B.
1004. RAYA, Brando Ray P.
1005. RAYEL, Rosette R.
1006. RAÑESES, Lezelda M.
1007. REAS-POLISTICO, Rosemarie Ann A.
1008. REBUYON, Wilfredo C.
1009. RECOLIZADO, Ma. Nerissa S.
1010. REGALA, Amie T.
1011. REGALADO, Ma. Ruiza L.
1012. RENTUMA, Juneth A.
1013. REPASO, Jayson G.
1014. REPOL, Judy Alice U.
1015. REYES, Ajay Noreen DS.
1016. REYES, Amanda Regina G.
1017. REYES, Ellen C.
1018. REYES, John Albert T.
1019. REYES, Luz Victoria F.
1020. REYES, Maria Teresa V.
1021. REYES, Mary Ann L.
1022. REYES, Mylene R.
1023. REYES, Ronces Anne S.
1024. REYES, Wendy S.
1025. RIALUBIN, Arlyne I.
1026. RICO, Reywin M.
1027. RIEZA, Sylvia Patricia S.
1028. RIGOR, Maritess R.
1029. RIODIQUE, Karen Anne S.
1030. RIVERA, Alexander A.
1031. RIVERA, Alexander Paul T.
1032. RIVERA, Dante Y.
1033. RIVERA, Jonah P.
1034. RIVERA, Maria Concepcion E.
1035. ROBLES, Joan A.
1036. ROBLES, Margarette T.
1037. RODRIGUEZ, Albert Leonard C.
1038. RODRIGUEZ, Christopher A.
1039. RODRIGUEZ, Irish Mae V.
1040. ROJAS-QUIAMBAO, Merriam Fe G.
1041. ROJO, Rosemarie A.
1042. ROMERO, Rowena V.
1043. RONQUILLO, Victor John Paul H.
1044. ROSALES, May Ann R.
1045. ROSALES, Rosario L.
1046. ROSARIO, Enrico R.
1047. ROSAURO, Allan A.
1048. ROSELL, Collin N.
1049. ROXAS, Vernidia M.
1050. RUBAYA, Maria Salve C.
1051. RUBIN, Krissi Shaffina Twyla A.
1052. RUBIO, Maria Catherina G.
1053. RUCKENBROD, Janis Roselle S.
1054. RUIZ, Erwin G.
1055. SABADO, Susan Phoebe R.
1056. SABANGAN, Charina G.
1057. SABER, Raya Avariza V.
1058. SABITSANA, Clemens Angeli B.
1059. SABUNDAYO, Maria Lourdes A.
1060. SACABEN, Rico Leo R.
1061. SACEDON, Janice S.
1062. SACEDON, Oliver M.
1063. SADURAL, Emma Rhea B.
1064. SALAGAN, Decimary DC.
1065. SALATAN, Gideon C.
1066. SALDUA-CASTILLO, Cherry Vi M.
1067. SALEM, Sylvia Jean P.
1068. SALIBAD, JR., David S.
1069. SALINAS, Frances Shanelle G.
1070. SALINAS, Pierre Nikolai M.
1071. SALOMEO, Conrado A.
1072. SALVADOR, Noel N.
1073. SALVANERA, Christian Joyce P.
1074. SALVE, Lalaine P.
1075. SAMANIEGO, Windel Z.
1076. SAMERA, Maria Lovella C.
1077. SAMONTE, Erwin Jonas A.
1078. SAMPAGA, Steven M.
1079. SAMPANG, Darrell Enerico I.
1080. SAMPAYAN, Rexreginald T.
1081. SAMSON, Sean Blenn E.
1082. SAN JUAN, Ernesto C.
1083. SANCHEZ, Analiza D.
1084. SANCHEZ, Dionne Marie M.
1085. SANCHEZ, Donna May P.
1086. SANCHEZ, Yehlen D.
1087. SANDE, Stephanie P.
1088. SANDOVAL, Ronald C.
1089. SANGALANG, Marlene O.
1090. SANOY, Sharon Grace S.
1091. SANTIAGO, Dominador O.
1092. SANTIAGO, Gwen Manuel P.
1093. SANTOS, Agnes B.
1094. SANTOS, Angelo Niño B.
1095. SANTOS, Charlie O.
1096. SANTOS, Rhoesel Ammiel M.
1097. SAQUING, Christine C.
1098. SARCEDA, Ryan R.
1099. SARINAS, Karen Mae G.
1100. SARMIENTO, Jorge Franco S.
1101. SARMIENTO, Maria Robina C.
1102. SARMIENTO, III, Jes Gal B.
1103. SARMIENTO, III, Leonardo A.
1105. SAWIT, Clifton James F.
1106. SAY, Loma Linda A.
1107. SAYOG, Arnolita F.
1108. SAÑOSA, JR., Juanito L.
1109. SEBASTIAN, Mia Mary G.
1110. SEBASTIAN, Yolanda S.
1111. SEBIANO, Teresa G.
1112. SEMPRON, Josie C.
1113. SERON, Eugene S.
1114. SEVILLA, Anna Camille L.
1116. SIBUYAN, Brian Gale T.
1117. SICANGCO, Maria Cecilia T.
1118. SILLA, Merielle T.
1119. SILO, JR., Benjamin H.
1120. SIMTIM, JR., Eufemio A.
1121. SINGSON, Ma. Veronique R.
1122. SINGSON, Michael Thor C.
1123. SIOCO, Kyan John B.
1124. SIONGCO, Emmie-lou L.
1125. SIRON, Jennifer G.
1126. SISON, Aireen D.
1127. SISON, Emmeree C.
1128. SITES, Nilda V.
1129. SITOY, Leighna Katrina S.
1130. SOBREJUANITE, Roev Bryl T.
1131. SOJOR, Ryan T.
1132. SOLIS, Ceasar Anthony S.
1133. SOLIS, Edson S.
1134. SOLIS, III, Emmanuel B.
1135. SOLOMON, JR., Juan B.
1136. SONGCO, Amiel R.
1137. SOPEÑA, Joicel C.
1138. SORIANO, Jerrylee D.
1139. SORIANO, Omar A.
1140. SORIANO, Zeldania DT.
1141. SORILLA, Mark Anthony C.
1142. SORILLA, Mark Christer A.
1143. SORIÑO, Paul B.
1144. SOTTO, Rhine F.
1145. STA. CRUZ, Benedict S.
1146. STA. MARIA, Odessa T.
1148. SUAREZ, Dario O.
1149. SUAREZ, Juan Alfonso D.
1150. SUAZO, Alvin G.
1151. SUMEDCA, Rommel H.
1152. SUPERABLE, Clarissa M.
1153. SURELL, Ma. Excelsis R.
1154. SURIL, Ethel Rea G.
1155. SUYAT, Franklin L.
1156. SZE, Abigail T.
1157. TAACA, Baby Lyn B.
1158. TACIO, Swanerrie Sangshell C.
1159. TADENA, Rex A.
1160. TAGARDA, Luis Karlo R.
1161. TAGLE, Sharon D.
1162. TAMAYO, Kristine Jazz V.
1163. TAMAYO, Zulieca L.
1164. TAMBOL, Jonathan B.
1165. TAN, Janice Jade V.
1166. TAN, Ma. Cecilia S.
1167. TAN, Rose Macrina Q.
1168. TAN, Vivian S.
1169. TANDOG, Jonathan G.
1170. TANSINSIN, Arthur G.
1171. TAPIA, Judilyn H.
1172. TAVAS-TAN, Marichu G.
1173. TEH, Shergine C.
1174. TEJERO, Robert John M.
1175. TENG, Bavilyn C.
1176. TEOXON, Art R.
1177. TEVES, Eugene C.
1178. TEVES, Irene Joyce T.
1179. TEVES, Niña Rica R.
1180. TI, Marl Chester Y.
1181. TIANCO, Elizabeth Amelia V.
1182. TIBON, Rheia G.
1183. TIMBOL, Jennifer L.
1184. TIN, Jovy June E.
1185. TINGSON, Mary Genevieve F.
1186. TIUNAYAN, Rolan A.
1187. TIZON, Sheryl Ann D.
1188. TOGLE, Maria Inez C.
1189. TOKIAS, Joey G.
1190. TOLEDO, Hermie Jun S.
1191. TOLENTINO, Claudette C.
1192. TOLENTINO, Jose Mari F.
1193. TOLENTINO, Nadia Marie D.
1194. TOLENTINO, III, Avelino D.
1195. TOLETE, Gladys Pinky D.
1196. TOLIMAO, Sandy J.
1197. TOMAS, Eric M.
1198. TOMON, Edwin M.
1199. TOMOTORGO, Ricky P.
1200. TORBELA, Venus A.
1201. TORIBIO, Elmer G.
1202. TORRALBA, Mary Grace Y.
1203. TORREGOSA, Jonell M.
1204. TORRES, Gregorio C.
1205. TORRES, Jason C.
1206. TORRES-ELACION, Chares Marie R.
1207. TOTAÑES, Maria Guillermina G.
1208. TRADIO, Alexander J.
1209. TRINIDAD, Cheryll Ann R.
1210. TRINIDAD, Christine S.
1211. TSANG, Jocelyn T.
1212. TUAZON, Ford G.
1213. TUBIGON-BACANG, Jerefe D.
1214. TUMAMPOS, Iris P.
1215. TUMANENG, Felix Jasper DC.
1216. TUMANENG, Rochelle Marie A.
1217. TUMBALI, Mediatrix S.
1218. TUMULAK, Maria Rosario Consuelo S.
1219. TUNGPALAN, Cheryl Ann A.
1220. TUPAS, Charo N.
1221. TUPAS, Rexter C.
1222. TUPAS, III, Alejandro M.
1223. TURIANO, Gerard N.
1224. TUTICA-VALLES, Genevieve B.
1225. TY, JR., Alfredo B.
1226. UAL, Jasmine Anne M.
1227. UMADHAY, Apollo J.
1228. UTZURRUM, Joanna Ruth T.
1229. UY, Jonathan Herbert C.
1230. UY, Voltaire S.
1231. UYAN, Aguinnaya D.
1232. VALDEZ, Almira B.
1233. VALDEZ, Edgard E.
1234. VALDEZ, JR., Rodrigo C.
1235. VALENCIA, Ian Christian M.
1236. VALENZUELA, Cyrus Paul S.
1237. VALENZUELA, JR., Carmelo L.
1238. VALERA, Charmi Christine F.
1239. VALLECER, Jan Hendrik I.
1240. VALLESPIN, Alex O.
1241. VARGAS, Ananias Christian G.
1242. VASQUEZ, Zarina Marie M.
1243. VELANDREZ, Jehn Louie W.
1244. VELASCO, Tricia Nicole Q.
1245. VELICARIA, Anthony Raymond M.
1246. VELOSO, Christine Antoinette M.
1247. VENTURA, Charissimae Y.
1248. VERDE, Rico O.
1249. VERGARA, John Dave G.
1250. VICERA, Christopher G.
1251. VICTORIO, Fides C.
1252. VIDAD, Owen M.
1253. VILLA, Oliver E.
1254. VILLALUZ, Randy S.
1255. VILLANTE, JR., Romeo L.
1256. VILLANUEVA, Emily Kristine C.
1257. VILLANUEVA, Henry C.
1258. VILLANUEVA, Jeremiah V.
1259. VILLANUEVA, Lovelyn A.
1260. VILLANUEVA, Marcianelle C.
1261. VILLANUEVA, Yolanda Y.
1262. VILLANUEVA, JR., Carlo C.
1263. VILLARIN, Earl Charles N.
1264. VILLARUBIA, Roseller P.
1265. VILLARUEL, Anthea R.
1266. VILLASERAN, Joel N.
1267. VILLEROZ, Francis C.
1268. VILLORDON, Jose Jonathan R.
1269. VINLUAN, Amiel Ronald R.
1270. VISTA, Guyla A.
1271. WAHAWA, Leticia P.
1272. WONG, Maciel C.
1273. YAMBAO, Kenneth B.
1274. YAMBOT, Rodrigo Dante C.
1275. YANCHA, Dashell C.
1276. YAP, Jeffry Jude T.
1277. YAP, Norman Brian P.
1278. YAP, Phillip John F.
1279. YAP, Rafael Christopher L.
1280. YAP, Raymond B.
1281. YAPHA, Maria Honeylette P.
1282. YMBALLA, Ragem V.
1283. YU, Ma. Felina Constancia B.
1284. YUHAYCO, Babel U.
1285. YUMUL, Ily Grace T.
1286. ZABALA, Jocelyn C.
1287. ZARAGOZA, Charmian Wyanet S.
1288. ZOLETA, Mark D.
1289. ZUÑO, Froilan Yñigo B.
Catch-up post
Anyway, some catching up:
That crucial meeting I had last Wednesday fizzled out. As my partner put it when I asked if that meeting went well, "Well we're driving back to the office without a check in our hands, what do you think?"
Then a ton of work followed. Too much that I could/would not blog about it. Probably too tired.
Finally some good news yesterday. Our client brought us news that we won a major case against The Firm. Of course they would not take that sitting down, I said. Time to prepare for the appeal.
Anyway, I heard the bar exams are coming out and the results are not so good. I heard that the percentage that passed hovers between one and two digits. Again, as a service to you and to the Supreme Court servers, I'll post the results in my blogs as soon as I get them.
To those who are expecting results, good luck. And start praying...
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
Cozying Up
I wouldn't bet on it.
We'll solve your problems and you'll show your gratitude towards us, with cash. But gone are that days where I will be at the beck-and-call of another. My beck-and-call boy days are over.
But tomorrow is another story. We have another crucial meeting that could determine our financial well-being for a few months.
I hope (or should I say expect) that tomorrow will go well. My partner and I rehearsed tomorrow over and over again over dinner tonight.
Well anyway, I'm off to type a pleading now before I call it a night. But I wish you a good night already. But my day isn't over just yet.
Ken Lee Epilogue
Well, her name is Valentina Hasan and she became famous in Bulgarian Idol.
And she was invited to sing in that show where she attempted to correct her lyrics. But apparently, the people wanted her to sing they way they all loved: her way.
And here she is:
Sunday, March 23, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
Happy Easter 2008

As you may have noticed, I put my blog on auto-pilot for the past few days because I wanted to stay away from the net this Holy Week.
And for most of the past few days, I did, save for a few sprinkling of twits.
I was supposed to be out of the country this week on a legal mission for OFWs but that fizzled out because of the occasion.
But in the end, it was all for the best as we had choir duties for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and this morning's Easter Sunday Dawn Mass.
All three were tiring, with the Good Friday service the toughest. Had to blow my lungs out for more than two hours. Playing Clarry II is particularly tiring because he requires more air than the flute (plus the performance anxiety of playing him in public).
So because of these, we opted to stay in the house this Easter Sunday, with Nico and Bea attending the village Easter Egg Hunt. I originally wanted to the mall but on second thought, there will be more of that the coming days.
I'm still trying to decide if I want (or can) play for this afternoon's mass. But I'm leaning on just resting up. There's work next week and it will start tomorrow.
Anyway, I do hope you had a nice vacation and you didn't spent it on too hedonistic pursuits. I hope you took time to reflect on the meaning of the season, and not just on the fun activities you pursued these past few days.
Again, Happy Easter to all! Even if you don't believe in it.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
Black Saturday (Easter Vigil) Reading
After the sabbath, as the first day of the week was dawning,
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb.
And behold, there was a great earthquake;
for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven,
approached, rolled back the stone, and sat upon it.
His appearance was like lightning
and his clothing was white as snow.
The guards were shaken with fear of him
and became like dead men.
Then the angel said to the women in reply,
“Do not be afraid!
I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified.
He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said.
Come and see the place where he lay.
Then go quickly and tell his disciples,
‘He has been raised from the dead,
and he is going before you to Galilee;
there you will see him.’
Behold, I have told you.”
Then they went away quickly from the tomb,
fearful yet overjoyed,
and ran to announce this to his disciples.
And behold, Jesus met them on their way and greeted them.
They approached, embraced his feet, and did him homage.
Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid.
Go tell my brothers to go to Galilee,
and there they will see me.”
Friday, March 21, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
Good Friday Reading
Jesus went out with his disciples across the Kidron valley
to where there was a garden,
into which he and his disciples entered.
Judas his betrayer also knew the place,
because Jesus had often met there with his disciples.
So Judas got a band of soldiers and guards
from the chief priests and the Pharisees
and went there with lanterns, torches, and weapons.
Jesus, knowing everything that was going to happen to him,
went out and said to them, “Whom are you looking for?”
They answered him, “Jesus the Nazorean.”
He said to them, “I AM.”
Judas his betrayer was also with them.
When he said to them, “I AM,"
they turned away and fell to the ground.
So he again asked them,
“Whom are you looking for?”
They said, “Jesus the Nazorean.”
Jesus answered,
“I told you that I AM.
So if you are looking for me, let these men go.”
This was to fulfill what he had said,
“I have not lost any of those you gave me.”
Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it,
struck the high priest’s slave, and cut off his right ear.
The slave’s name was Malchus.
Jesus said to Peter,
“Put your sword into its scabbard.
Shall I not drink the cup that the Father gave me?”
So the band of soldiers, the tribune, and the Jewish guards seized Jesus,
bound him, and brought him to Annas first.
He was the father-in-law of Caiaphas,
who was high priest that year.
It was Caiaphas who had counseled the Jews
that it was better that one man should die rather than the people.
Simon Peter and another disciple followed Jesus.
Now the other disciple was known to the high priest,
and he entered the courtyard of the high priest with Jesus.
But Peter stood at the gate outside.
So the other disciple, the acquaintance of the high priest,
went out and spoke to the gatekeeper and brought Peter in.
Then the maid who was the gatekeeper said to Peter,
“You are not one of this man’s disciples, are you?”
He said, “I am not.”
Now the slaves and the guards were standing around a charcoal fire
that they had made, because it was cold,
and were warming themselves.
Peter was also standing there keeping warm.
The high priest questioned Jesus
about his disciples and about his doctrine.
Jesus answered him,
“I have spoken publicly to the world.
I have always taught in a synagogue
or in the temple area where all the Jews gather,
and in secret I have said nothing. Why ask me?
Ask those who heard me what I said to them.
They know what I said.”
When he had said this,
one of the temple guards standing there struck Jesus and said,
“Is this the way you answer the high priest?”
Jesus answered him,
“If I have spoken wrongly, testify to the wrong;
but if I have spoken rightly, why do you strike me?”
Then Annas sent him bound to Caiaphas the high priest.
Now Simon Peter was standing there keeping warm.
And they said to him,
“You are not one of his disciples, are you?”
He denied it and said,
“I am not.”
One of the slaves of the high priest,
a relative of the one whose ear Peter had cut off, said,
“Didn’t I see you in the garden with him?”
Again Peter denied it.
And immediately the cock crowed.
Then they brought Jesus from Caiaphas to the praetorium.
It was morning.
And they themselves did not enter the praetorium,
in order not to be defiled so that they could eat the Passover.
So Pilate came out to them and said,
“What charge do you bring against this man?”
They answered and said to him,
“If he were not a criminal,
we would not have handed him over to you.”
At this, Pilate said to them,
“Take him yourselves, and judge him according to your law.”
The Jews answered him,
“We do not have the right to execute anyone,“
in order that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled
that he said indicating the kind of death he would die.
So Pilate went back into the praetorium
and summoned Jesus and said to him,
“Are you the King of the Jews?”
Jesus answered,
“Do you say this on your own
or have others told you about me?”
Pilate answered,
“I am not a Jew, am I?
Your own nation and the chief priests handed you over to me.
What have you done?”
Jesus answered,
“My kingdom does not belong to this world.
If my kingdom did belong to this world,
my attendants would be fighting
to keep me from being handed over to the Jews.
But as it is, my kingdom is not here.”
So Pilate said to him,
“Then you are a king?”
Jesus answered,
“You say I am a king.
For this I was born and for this I came into the world,
to testify to the truth.
Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”
Pilate said to him, “What is truth?”
When he had said this,
he again went out to the Jews and said to them,
“I find no guilt in him.
But you have a custom that I release one prisoner to you at Passover.
Do you want me to release to you the King of the Jews?”
They cried out again,
“Not this one but Barabbas!”
Now Barabbas was a revolutionary.
Then Pilate took Jesus and had him scourged.
And the soldiers wove a crown out of thorns and placed it on his head,
and clothed him in a purple cloak,
and they came to him and said,
“Hail, King of the Jews!”
And they struck him repeatedly.
Once more Pilate went out and said to them,
“Look, I am bringing him out to you,
so that you may know that I find no guilt in him.”
So Jesus came out,
wearing the crown of thorns and the purple cloak.
And he said to them, “Behold, the man!”
When the chief priests and the guards saw him they cried out,
“Crucify him, crucify him!”
Pilate said to them,
“Take him yourselves and crucify him.
I find no guilt in him.”
The Jews answered,
“We have a law, and according to that law he ought to die,
because he made himself the Son of God.”
Now when Pilate heard this statement,
he became even more afraid,
and went back into the praetorium and said to Jesus,
“Where are you from?”
Jesus did not answer him.
So Pilate said to him,
“Do you not speak to me?
Do you not know that I have power to release you
and I have power to crucify you?”
Jesus answered him,
“You would have no power over me
if it had not been given to you from above.
For this reason the one who handed me over to you
has the greater sin.”
Consequently, Pilate tried to release him; but the Jews cried out,
“If you release him, you are not a Friend of Caesar.
Everyone who makes himself a king opposes Caesar.”
When Pilate heard these words he brought Jesus out
and seated him on the judge’s bench
in the place called Stone Pavement, in Hebrew, Gabbatha.
It was preparation day for Passover, and it was about noon.
And he said to the Jews,
“Behold, your king!”
They cried out,
“Take him away, take him away! Crucify him!”
Pilate said to them,
“Shall I crucify your king?”
The chief priests answered,
“We have no king but Caesar.”
Then he handed him over to them to be crucified.
So they took Jesus, and, carrying the cross himself,
he went out to what is called the Place of the Skull,
in Hebrew, Golgotha.
There they crucified him, and with him two others,
one on either side, with Jesus in the middle.
Pilate also had an inscription written and put on the cross.
It read,
“Jesus the Nazorean, the King of the Jews.”
Now many of the Jews read this inscription,
because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city;
and it was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek.
So the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate,
“Do not write ‘The King of the Jews,’
but that he said, ‘I am the King of the Jews’.”
Pilate answered,
“What I have written, I have written.”
When the soldiers had crucified Jesus,
they took his clothes and divided them into four shares,
a share for each soldier.
They also took his tunic, but the tunic was seamless,
woven in one piece from the top down.
So they said to one another,
“Let’s not tear it, but cast lots for it to see whose it will be,"
in order that the passage of Scripture might be fulfilled that says:
They divided my garments among them,
and for my vesture they cast lots.
This is what the soldiers did.
Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother
and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas,
and Mary of Magdala.
When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved
he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.”
Then he said to the disciple,
“Behold, your mother.”
And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.
After this, aware that everything was now finished,
in order that the Scripture might be fulfilled,
Jesus said, “I thirst.”
There was a vessel filled with common wine.
So they put a sponge soaked in wine on a sprig of hyssop
and put it up to his mouth.
When Jesus had taken the wine, he said,
“It is finished.”
And bowing his head, he handed over the spirit.
Now since it was preparation day,
in order that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the sabbath,
for the sabbath day of that week was a solemn one,
the Jews asked Pilate that their legs be broken
and that they be taken down.
So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first
and then of the other one who was crucified with Jesus.
But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead,
they did not break his legs,
but one soldier thrust his lance into his side,
and immediately blood and water flowed out.
An eyewitness has testified, and his testimony is true;
he knows that he is speaking the truth,
so that you also may come to believe.
For this happened so that the Scripture passage might be fulfilled:
Not a bone of it will be broken.
And again another passage says:
They will look upon him whom they have pierced.
After this, Joseph of Arimathea,
secretly a disciple of Jesus for fear of the Jews,
asked Pilate if he could remove the body of Jesus.
And Pilate permitted it.
So he came and took his body.
Nicodemus, the one who had first come to him at night,
also came bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes
weighing about one hundred pounds.
They took the body of Jesus
and bound it with burial cloths along with the spices,
according to the Jewish burial custom.
Now in the place where he had been crucified there was a garden,
and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one had yet been buried.
So they laid Jesus there because of the Jewish preparation day; for the tomb was close by.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
Maundy Thursday Reading
Before the feast of Passover, Jesus knew that his hour had come to pass from this world to the Father.
He loved his own in the world and he loved them to the end.
The devil had already induced Judas, son of Simon the Iscariot, to hand him over.
So, during supper, fully aware that the Father had put everything into his power
and that he had come from God and was returning to God,
he rose from supper and took off his outer garments.
He took a towel and tied it around his waist.
Then he poured water into a basin
and began to wash the disciples’ feet
and dry them with the towel around his waist.
He came to Simon Peter, who said to him,
“Master, are you going to wash my feet?”
Jesus answered and said to him,
“What I am doing, you do not understand now,
but you will understand later.”
Peter said to him, “You will never wash my feet.”
Jesus answered him,
“Unless I wash you, you will have no inheritance with me.”
Simon Peter said to him,
“Master, then not only my feet, but my hands and head as well.”
Jesus said to him,
“Whoever has bathed has no need except to have his feet washed,
for he is clean all over;
so you are clean, but not all.”
For he knew who would betray him;
for this reason, he said, “Not all of you are clean.”
So when he had washed their feet
and put his garments back on and reclined at table again,
he said to them, “Do you realize what I have done for you?
You call me ‘teacher’ and ‘master,’ and rightly so, for indeed I am.
If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet.
I have given you a model to follow,
so that as I have done for you, you should also do.”
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
Wind-up, Unwind
Of course, even showing up to work today had its rewards. We saved a client from terminating and earned us a comfortable retainer in the process. At least, that client can pay for our new secretary's salary. And we got the injunction we have been waiting for since last year. Well, sort of...
Tomorrow, its church service for me until Sunday.
Anyway, this day (a Holy Wednesday) may the the perfect time to discuss one of my concerns every Holy Week.
Is this a time for vacation or a time for reflection? It this a time to unwind or not?
There was a time that I was ultra-conservative. Holy Week for me then was a time for reflection.
The last time I was in Baguio on a Holy Week, I was appalled when I saw people actually going to the disco (well that dated my statement) of the hotel where we were staying on a Maundy Thursday. I though to myself, Baguio will pay the price for not observing Holy Week.
Then a few years later, on 16 July 1990, the great Luzon Earthquake leveled Baguio, including the hotel where we stayed.
But as I got older, my stand mellowed. Now, understand that for some or most people, this is the only time in the year they can really rest.
But of course, if your faith demands it, it is still the time to reflect on the Paschal Mysteries. Likewise, this is the only time of the week we can think about Him and His sacrifice. This time has to be balanced. It should be both a time for vacation and reflection.
But I still a bad feeling about the new vacation places like Boracay, etc. They may reap the whirlwind for their insolence this time of year... the parties have to stop at some point, at least Good Friday, I think.
Just my two cents for this week...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
What Time Is It?
What time is it?
It’s our vacation.
What time is it?
Party time!
That’s right, say it loud.
What time is it?
Time of our lives. Anticipation.
What time is it?
School’s out. Scream and shout.
Finally summer’s here.
Good to be chillin’ out.
I’m off the clock. The pressure’s off.
Now my girl’s what it’s all about.
Ready for some sunshine.
For my heart to take a chance.
I’m here to stay, and I’m moving away.
Ready for a summer romance.
[Troy & Gabriella]
Everybody ready, going crazy, yeah we’re out.
Come on and let me hear you say it now. Right now.
What time is it?
It’s our vacation.
What time is it?
Party time!
That’s right, say it loud.
What time is it?
Time of our lives. Anticipation.
What time is it?
School’s out. Scream and shout.
Play by the rules.
No summer school.
I’m free to shop til I drop.
It’s an education vacation.
[Ryan & Sharpay]
And the party never has to stop.
We’ve got things to do.
We’ll see you soon.
And we’re really gonna miss ya all.
Goodbye to you and you.
And you and you.
[Ryan & Sharpay]
Bye bye til next fall!
[Ryan & Sharpay]
Everybody ready, going crazy, yeah we’re out.
Come on and let me here it now. Right now.
What time is it?
It’s our vacation.
What time is it?
Party time!
That’s right, say it loud.
What time is it?
Time of our lives. Anticipation.
What time is it?
School’s out. Scream and shout.
[Troy & Gabriella]
No more waking up at 6 AM.
Cuz now our time is all our own.
[Ryan & Sharpay]
Enough already. We’re waiting.
Come on, let’s go.
Go out of control!
School pride. Let’s show it.
We’re champions, and we know it.
Wildcats! We are the best! Red, white, and gold.
When it’s time to win, we do it.
We’re number one. We proved it.
Let’s live it up. Get the party down.
That’s what the summer’s all about.
What time is it?
Summertime is finally here.
Let’s celebrate.
[Troy & Gabriella]
Wanna hear you loud and clear now.
School’s out.
[Chad & Taylor]
We can sleep as late as we want to...
It’s our time!
[Ryan & Sharpay]
Now we can do whatever we wanna do.
What time is it?
It’s summertime.
We’re lovin' it.
Come on and sing it loud now!
What time is it?
It’s party time.
Let’s go have the time of our lives
Monday, March 17, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
Broken In...
1. Give a warm greeting.
2. Create a friendly atmosphere.
3. Crack lots of jokes (but nothing inappropriate, though to avoid suits).
4. Give a hearty welcome meal (perhaps lunch with all the other partners and associate lawyers).
5. Issue anything from brand-new MacBook to a brand-new car (depending on how big your firm is).
6. THEN, hit hard and fast with a ton of work on the first day!
Make 'em deserve it, I say!
Seriously, though, we broke in our first new associate lawyer as our newly-reorganized lawfirm. She's the first one we have from law school I came from so I guess the rapport should be there.
But enough of that.
It's winding down for the Holy Week holidays. I'm actually in vacation mode already. But there are actually two more working days in this week. Depending on the workload, I'll probably start to slow down.
Also, it's Bea's last day of school tomorrow. That means only one thing: a two-month vacation from bus driver duties. Yay! I'm really going to enjoy waking up slightly later that usual.
But of course, I still have my customary choir duties for this (which also pile up during these times). But I'm not complaining a bit. Where else can I serve in a way that I love?
And if you're Roman Catholic, I hope you have a meaningful vacation.
I'll probably post appropriate readings starting tomorrow, for those who care to read them.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
Palm Sunday
A Reading from the Gospel According to Matthew:
Mt. 21:1-11
When Jesus and the disciples drew near Jerusalem
and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives,
Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them,
“Go into the village opposite you,
and immediately you will find an ass tethered,
and a colt with her.
Untie them and bring them here to me.
And if anyone should say anything to you, reply,
‘The master has need of them.’
Then he will send them at once.”
This happened so that what had been spoken through the prophet might be fulfilled:
Say to daughter Zion,
“Behold, your king comes to you,
meek and riding on an ass,
and on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.”
The disciples went and did as Jesus had ordered them.
They brought the ass and the colt and laid their cloaks over them,
and he sat upon them.
The very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road,
while others cut branches from the trees
and strewed them on the road.
The crowds preceding him and those following
kept crying out and saying:
“Hosanna to the Son of David;
blessed is the he who comes in the name of the Lord;
hosanna in the highest.”
And when he entered Jerusalem
the whole city was shaken and asked, “Who is this?”
And the crowds replied,
“This is Jesus the prophet, from Nazareth in Galilee.”
HappySlip's Trip to the Philippines
Perhaps I can convince someone else out there to come visit us by posting this video.
The Philippine is really a good place to visit, anyway.
Have a prayerful week ahead.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
First Gig
We survived the first gig of our chamber group today. It was an easy enough audience because they were pre-school kids.We play three songs in Nico's school function, a sort of graduation ceremony. These were "Fiddler on the Roof/Sunrise, Sunset Medley," "We've only just begun," a request of Nico's teacher and "Anniversary Waltz."
They're easy to please. But their attention span is very short. We sort of lost them coming into the last song. Having old songs even older than the parents there did not help either.
Want to see a photo?
Well, you asked for it...

And here's the actual performance:
Anyway, this was Nico's last day of school and it appears he made it through. He'll spend one more year in this school before I get him to a big elementary school.
Congratulations, Nico!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
Did not regret it a bit. Even with inferior graphics and eye candy, it most certainly makes up for it in playability.
Gave me quite a workout, something I have not done in years. Good thing it did not give a me heart attack. My dad was so engaged watching play Wii Sports.
I was so engaged in playing it that I almost forgot my practice session with my chamber group tonight. We had to practice for our first gig: Nico's "Moving Up" ceremony, which is like a graduation ceremony of his preschool.
Anyway, we got a lot of practice and will refine it for tomorrow.
Meanwhile, rally jitters may prompt me to stay in the Quezon City area tomorrow, although I have an appointment in Makati.
Let's see what tomorrow brings. More pleasant surprises, I expect.
And for that, I am deeply grateful.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
Last Stand
Or perhaps not...
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
From Bulagarian Idol: Ken Lee
To Carlo, for posting this before me. I just had to hijack it...
Now the video:
We have a saying in law: Res Ipsa Loquitur. The thing speaks for itself.
Just watch:
And be floored...
Dual Screens...
The dual screen mode was very convenient, especially when working at two things at the same time. Or copying from one document and pasting to another. I could really see portions of text being literally pasted on to another before my very eyes.
And a Twitter friend was right: my productivity yesterday actually increased.
But today was different. It was a short mission to the office to fix a "fire," a short meeting about an invention involving fire and another firefighting job at the blaze in my government consultancy. That last problem was particularly tricky and I could not take care of the problem this day. No, that will take a long time, if we can even contain it at all. And that fire there may be the good reason I can give to resign.
Then on to play bus driver because my sister (the regular bus driver of Bea and her kids) took my parents to a dinner function in Laguna. My dad will be given an award there for being a distinguished person coming from that province. I could not take them there for professional and safety reasons... It's a long story I cannot blog about.
I'm ready to call this one a day. Anyway, tomorrow is another day... I hope it's not as fiery as today...
Sunday, March 09, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
Going Digital

I got the link from a Google Ad placed in my blog. The online store is in Italian and this is the rough translation of the description:
The Electronic Rosary, product of Italy from company PREX, is a small, comfortable and portable device. Equipped with a headphone, the Holy Rosary is recited with a feminine voice and a congregation of persons responds. The digital rosary has a push-button selector for the day of the week, to play the correct mystery of the Rosary for the day. Very simple to use, you can listen to the electronic rosary as reflection or you can respond to it as customary. The digital rosary is useful for travelers, for those who want to pray on the go (in a car, train, airplane, etc.) and it is suitable for the old and the sick.
What's next? A robot that prays and obtains indulgences for you?
Have a great week ahead!
Saturday, March 08, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
Nearer than I think
Anyway, we were at our neighborhood Mac store yesterday and my new MacBook Pro is closer that I think. It could be as close as Monday... I'm so excited already.
So it will be on keyboards at tonight's mass. The main gripe I have with that is all the equipment I will have to haul to the chapel: the keyboard, the amp, the keyboard stand, the music stand and the accessories. And I think it will take more time to set them up than the actual practice and mass combined. Then I have take them all down, pack them and set it up again at home.
But then again, it's service for the Lord, so there's no reason to complain. Maybe the new MacBook Pro is the reward... just thinking aloud.
Tomorrow may take me to Greenhills again... as a cousin from Canada wants to go there... Hopefully, I can consummate the swap/sale of the Nintendo Wiis we got...
So a new PSP and perhaps a new MacBook Pro may be closer than I think...
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Thursday, March 06, 2008
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Face to Face with a MacBook Air...
I was tempted to swap one of those laptops for Scarlett. But loyalty got the better of me and Scarlett has served me faithfully for some time now. And besides, she has paid for herself many, many times over. So I have vowed not to replace her but merely buy a new one when the time comes.
But these new MacBooks are blazingly fast already because they come in 2.1 and 2.4 GHz C2D models.
Anyway, I was able to handle a MacBook Air for the very first time when we were buying the MacBooks. As stated by our sales representative, it's a perfect second laptop. But you cannot depend on it alone. Or to put in in another way, that MacBook Air is formal wear as the other MacBook models are work clothes.
And if I have the money, I'd be getting a MacBook Pro or an iMac.
Anyway, that happy problem may come sooner than later, I think. Who knows?
That Macbook shopping spree came as a complete shock to me as well...
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
Here, the series introduces a new lead character, Nero, though Dante still plays a major role.
The graphics are stunning. The playability, at par with those that came before it. The replay value is superb. And play it in 5.1 surround sound and you got yourself an experience you won't readily forget, if you're a gamer...
It's a real must buy. I'm glad I did and at a good deal, too.
Here's a sample. This is just the introduction movie...
Monday, March 03, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
To whom it may concern...
I hope I'm not writing this letter in vain ...
... but I feel I have a responsibility to those who depend on us.
... to those who expect us to deliver an honest and fair accounting.
I feel a responsibility to speak the truth ...
For those innocent victims who are powerless to speak it themselves...
... because without the truth, we ourselves become powerless.
-CSI: Miami, Season 1, Episode 1, "Golden Parachute"
Sunday, March 02, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
Nico's Foodstore day
They were asked to pay in P1.00 coins only. Of course, the point is to teach them to count... but not how to spell, as you will see...

You can view the rest of the pictures in my Facebook account here.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
This day in history from: Wikipedia BBC NY Times
Coming Out Alive
Until last Friday.
It was a miracle that my partner and I came out of that one alive. Well, my partner demonstrated the old saying, "The best defense is offense."
After that ordeal, I quickly reported to my consultancy and called it a day early. There was no partner's meeting, anyway.
Well as for today, Nico had a school function this morning where they sold breakfast and we paid them one-peso coins. The point of the exercise was obvious. The teachers were teaching the kids how to count in a practical setting, while feeding us at the same time.
Then it was a quick trip to my chamber session and my ability to play Clarry II is improving a lot. Of course, it is still not in the level as I play the flute, but that took more than 15 years to achieve.
Then choir was okay, I guess.
Tomorrow will be errands day. More on that tomorrow.
Have a good weekend.
Side Prayers
Lord Jesus,
Teach me to be generous,
Teach me to serve You as You deserve
To give and not to count the cost,
To fight and not to heed the wounds,
To toil and not to seek for rest,
To labor and not to ask for reward,
except that of knowing
That I do Your Holy Will. Amen
May every word I speak be from Your Truth...
I ask come from Your Wisdom...
May every case I handle receive Your Guidance...
May every heart, every life I touch, feel Your Love.
And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying,
"Oh, that You would bless me indeed,
and enlarge my territory,
that Your Hand be with me,
that You would keep me from evil,
that I may not cause pain."
So God granted him what he requested.
Side Oath
The Lawyer's Oath
I do solemnly swear that
I will maintain allegiance to
the Republic of the Philippines,
I will support its Constitution
and obey the laws as well as
the legal orders of the
duly constituted authorities therein;
I will do no falsehood,
nor consent to the doing of any in court;
I will not wittingly or willingly
promote or sue any groundless,
false or unlawful suit,
nor give aid nor consent to the same;
I will delay no man for money or malice,
and will conduct myself as a lawyer
according to the best of my knowledge
and discretion with all good fidelity
as well to the courts as to my clients;
and I impose upon myself this voluntary obligation
without any mental reservation
or purpose of evasion.
So help me God.
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