Wednesday, June 03, 2009
This day in history from:

Blog Interview Meme

Got this from Carlo. It's a good break from the blog blackout since it sets this blog's direction. No tags. Take it if you wish:

How long have you been blogging?

I have been blogging since December 2004.

Why did you start blogging?

As I have mentioned in previous entries, I blog first and foremost for personal reasons. It's a chance to chronicle my life online. Whether people read it or not is secondary to me.

But as I blogged some more, I found out that I cannot separate my personal and professional life in my blogging. Hence, the blog lectures, which I have not gotten around doing these past few months.

What have you found to be the benefits of blogging?

It's still, first and foremost, a channel for personal expression. But since I'm a lawyer, I know my boundaries. I have gotten detractors for the things that I have written, from my peers no less, but I don't compromise.

The side benefit is the writing practice. Blogging has actually improved my writing. And it's a good practice to recommend to budding writers or even to students who want to improve, provided one does it "correctly" and not in text-speak.

How many times a week do you post an entry?

Normally, I post at least once a day on anything, when not in blog blackout.

How many different blogs do you read on a regular basis?

The blogs in my blog roll are the ones I follow on a regular basis, though not everyday. A few of them actually post new stuff everyday, anyway.

Do you comment on other people’s blogs?

Yes. We have to remember those who post are human beings and if they did not want other people to comment, they can always turn on comment moderation or turn off comments completely.

And a lot of the people who have these blogs are my friends.

Do you keep track of how many visitors you have? Is so, are you satisfied with your numbers?

I do keep track of my visitors. But I basically don't care about the numbers.

Do you ever regret a post that you wrote?

No. No compromises and no regrets. What has been said, has been said. What has been written, has been written. So I take great pains about thinking first before I write.

Do you think your audience has a true sense of who you are based on your blog?

Most probably. I've been blogging almost everyday since 2004. I think my regular audience knows me already.

Do you blog under your real name?

In a sense yes. I blog under my real nickname. The curious can simply search me around the internets for my real info.

Are there topics that you would never blog about?

Everything is pretty much fair game. But as a lawyer, I know what I will not blog about. And that basically falls into three categories: 1) Libelous matters; 2) Pornographic matters (this is a wholesome blog) and 3) Confidential matters relating to my work.

What is the theme/topic of your blog?

This particular blog, as I have said before, I my personal blog where I chronicle my life as it happens everyday. Although Twitter chronicles my life by the hour...

Do you have more than one blog? If so, why?

I have three active blogs:

1. This blog, which gets cross-posted to my Multiply blog and my Facebook account.
2. My Semper Fidelis blog, where I separate the legal profession-related entries in my main blog for easier access.
3. My Attraction in Action blog, to chronicle how the Law of Attraction has affected my life and other related ideas and thoughts about the topic.

And I also contribute (though not recently) to Pinoy Tech Blog.

And I have an active blog presence (and recently, active Twitter and Facebook presence as well) because that's basically who I am.

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Side Prayers

Lord Jesus,
Teach me to be generous,
Teach me to serve You as You deserve
To give and not to count the cost,
To fight and not to heed the wounds,
To toil and not to seek for rest,
To labor and not to ask for reward,
except that of knowing
That I do Your Holy Will. Amen

May every word I speak be from Your Truth...
I ask come from Your Wisdom...
May every case I handle receive Your Guidance...
May every heart, every life I touch, feel Your Love.

And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying,
"Oh, that You would bless me indeed,
and enlarge my territory,
that Your Hand be with me,
that You would keep me from evil,
that I may not cause pain."

So God granted him what he requested.

Side Oath

The Lawyer's Oath
I do solemnly swear that
I will maintain allegiance to
the Republic of the Philippines,
I will support its Constitution
and obey the laws as well as
the legal orders of the
duly constituted authorities therein;
I will do no falsehood,
nor consent to the doing of any in court;
I will not wittingly or willingly
promote or sue any groundless,
false or unlawful suit,
nor give aid nor consent to the same;
I will delay no man for money or malice,
and will conduct myself as a lawyer
according to the best of my knowledge
and discretion with all good fidelity
as well to the courts as to my clients;
and I impose upon myself this voluntary obligation
without any mental reservation
or purpose of evasion.
So help me God.

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