Still a mad rush...
Of course, more work means more pay, eventually. But really, seriously, they're just honest folks just trying to make a living, merely tainted by a few, money hungry suckers who probably cut corners and now got what they deserved. Bad thing though, the innocent (and the public) is paying along with them.
Honestly, I don't believe these people (my clients in particular) did not wake up one particular morning and decided or committed to kill or injure people and causing disturbances. Again, they're honest people trying to make a living. I don't know about the ones I don't represent, though. These are just a series of unfortunate events for them. Oh, they'll pay up for sure (as this is part of the business and the risks they got themselves into). But I think the focus on them is already too much and too one-sided.
And some even have the audacity to work the media on their spin without disclosing what they were doing was illegal in the first place. They don't know what's coming to them. Wait a minute, with the tons of money they are spending on public relations, they should know what's coming to them at the very least.
If the government is serious about this new found effort for public safety, these companies should be the first to be scrutinized and put in line. Otherwise, just throw away this effort because they're just being hypocrites. (Oh, you know that the government is benefiting from these?...)
Of course, attorney-client privilege prevents me from saying more. But the ones I'm talking about are not my clients, anyway.
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